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Arthritis : improve your health, ease pain and live life to the full

Bird, H; Green, C; Hamer, A; Hammond, A; Harkess, J; Hurley, M; Jeffreson, P; Pattison, D; Scott, DL


H Bird

C Green

A Hamer

J Harkess

M Hurley

P Jeffreson

D Pattison

DL Scott


Expert advice based on up-to-the-minute research, from specialists in Arthritis care. An authoritative, yet easy-to-understand guide to every type of arthritis, from juvenile to rheumatoid & osteoarthritis, as well as associated conditions such as lupus & osteoporosis. Find the answers to all your questions on exercise, medication, surgery, pain relief, complementary therapies, nutrition & more. Includes:

A chapter on What is Arthritis? looking at the causes, symptoms, different types, diagnosis, long-term prognosis & who is most likely to be affected

Simple exercise routines to keep you mobile & diet plans for a healthy lifestyle

Treatment options for both allopathic drug & surgical treatment (with pros & cons for each), plus complementary therapies & exercise-based therapies known to help, supplements & herbal medicines

Includes advice on assessing health-care services

Book Type Authored Book
Publication Date Aug 3, 2006
Deposit Date Sep 1, 2020
ISBN 9781405310574-(hardback)
Publisher URL