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The effect of aging, obesity and diabetes on foot health and its association with current and future footwear technologies (2016)
Journal Article
Price, C., & Nester, C. (2016). The effect of aging, obesity and diabetes on foot health and its association with current and future footwear technologies. Türkiye klinikleri fizyoterapi ve rehabilitasyon özel dergisi (online), 2(3), 7-13

Changes in foot health trends are beginning to demand significant changes to foot health provision globally, for which appropriate provision to retail and health services is key. With the right input to innovation and design, footwear can help keep u... Read More about The effect of aging, obesity and diabetes on foot health and its association with current and future footwear technologies.

A narrative review of musculoskeletal problems of the lower extremity and back associated with the interface between occupational tasks, feet, footwear and flooring (2016)
Journal Article
occupational tasks, feet, footwear and flooring. Musculoskeletal Care, 15(4), 304-315.

At least 50% of workers are exposed to the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) due to spending
prolonged hours standing at work. There is a lack of information regarding issues with the
feet, solutions to the problem, and links between MSD, fee... Read More about A narrative review of musculoskeletal problems of the lower extremity and back associated with the interface between occupational tasks, feet, footwear and flooring.

A service improvement ‘tool kit’ for effective heart failure management in primary care (2016)
Journal Article
Astin, F., Burey, L., Cook, P., O'Donnell, C., Deaton, C., Lewthwaite, L., …Humphreys, J. (2016). A service improvement ‘tool kit’ for effective heart failure management in primary care. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, 11(12), 588-596.

Background: Heart failure (HF) is a complex and highly debilitating
clinical syndrome. International guidelines identify the optimum
clinical management of patients living with HF in primary care but
translation of these into practice remains inad... Read More about A service improvement ‘tool kit’ for effective heart failure management in primary care.

A 3D assessment and feedback tool for Ankylosing Spondylitis from the perspective of healthcare professionals (2016)
Journal Article
Li, S., Kay, S., & Porter, S. (2016). A 3D assessment and feedback tool for Ankylosing Spondylitis from the perspective of healthcare professionals. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 42(3), 274-289.

To investigate the utility of 3D visualization technology to augment assessment and feedback for Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS), a visualization prototype was developed, and both subjective and objective measures of current assessment instruments were c... Read More about A 3D assessment and feedback tool for Ankylosing Spondylitis from the perspective of healthcare professionals.

How to talk someone out of a damaging cult (2016)
Journal Article
Dubrow-Marshall, R., & Dubrow-Marshall, L. (2016). How to talk someone out of a damaging cult

In this blog, the authors give guidelines for concerned family members and friends to help someone that they care about who is experiencing undue influence in a damaging cult, high demand group or abusive relationship.

Characterisation of rollator use using inertial sensors (2016)
Journal Article
Cheng, T., Kenney, L., Amor, J., Thies, S., Costamagna, E., James, C., & Holloway, C. (2016). Characterisation of rollator use using inertial sensors. Healthcare Technology Letters, 3(4),

The use of walking aids is prevalent among older people and people with mobility impairment. Rollators are designed to support outdoor mobility and require the user to negotiate curbs and slopes in the urban environment. Despite the prevalence of rol... Read More about Characterisation of rollator use using inertial sensors.

Effects of age on strength and morphology of toe flexor muscles (2016)
Journal Article
Mickle, K., Angin, S., Crofts, G., & Nester, C. (2016). Effects of age on strength and morphology of toe flexor muscles. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 46(12), 1065-1070.

Study Design: Cross-sectional. 27
Objective: To compare the strength and size of the toe flexor muscles of older adults relative 28 to their younger counterparts. 29
Background: Age related muscle atrophy is common in lower limb muscles and we ther... Read More about Effects of age on strength and morphology of toe flexor muscles.

Health workers’ knowledge, attitude and practice towards Hepatitis B infection in Northern Nigeria (2016)
Journal Article
Fufore, M., Cook, P., & Kirfi, A. (2016). Health workers’ knowledge, attitude and practice towards Hepatitis B infection in Northern Nigeria. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 9(3), 955-965

Background: Infection by hepatitis B virus is one of the many challenges in public health today and the tenth leading cause of mortality worldwide. Research has shown that health-care personnel are at higher risk of acquiring the disease than the gen... Read More about Health workers’ knowledge, attitude and practice towards Hepatitis B infection in Northern Nigeria.

A technique to record the sedentary to walk movement during free living mobility : a comparison of healthy and stroke populations (2016)
Journal Article
Kerr, A., Rafferty, D., Hollands, K., Barber, M., & Granat, M. (2017). A technique to record the sedentary to walk movement during free living mobility : a comparison of healthy and stroke populations. Gait & Posture, 52, 233-236.


Hesitation between moving from a sedentary posture (lying/sitting) to walking is a characteristic of
mobility impaired individuals, as identified from laboratory studies. Knowing the extent to which this
hesitation occurs during ev... Read More about A technique to record the sedentary to walk movement during free living mobility : a comparison of healthy and stroke populations.

Estimating the material properties of heel pad sub-layers using inverse finite element analysis (2016)
Journal Article
Ahanchian, N., Nester, C., Howard, D., Ren, L., & Parker, D. (2016). Estimating the material properties of heel pad sub-layers using inverse finite element analysis. Medical Engineering and Physics, 40, 11-19.

Detailed information about the biomechanical behaviour of plantar heel pad tissue contributes to our understanding of load transfer when the foot impacts the ground. The objective of this work was to obtain the hyperelastic and viscoelastic material... Read More about Estimating the material properties of heel pad sub-layers using inverse finite element analysis.

Predicting the location of the hip joint centres, impact of age group and sex (2016)
Journal Article
Hara, R., McGinley, J., Briggs, C., Baker, R., & Sangeux, M. (2016). Predicting the location of the hip joint centres, impact of age group and sex. Scientific reports, 6, 37707.

Clinical gait analysis incorporating three-dimensional motion analysis plays a key role in planning surgical treatments in people with gait disability. The position of the Hip Joint Centre (HJC) within the pelvis is thus critical to ensure accurate d... Read More about Predicting the location of the hip joint centres, impact of age group and sex.

Educational needs of health professionals working in rheumatology in Europe (2016)
Journal Article
Vliet Vlieland, T., Van den Ende, C., Alliot-Launois, F., Beauvais, C., Gobbo, M., Iagnocco, A., …Wiek, D. (2016). Educational needs of health professionals working in rheumatology in Europe. RMD Open, 2(2), e000337.

Objective: To explore the availability of postgraduate education for health professionals (HPs) working in rheumatology in Europe, and their perceived educational needs and barriers for participation in current educational offerings.
Methods: Struct... Read More about Educational needs of health professionals working in rheumatology in Europe.

A randomised controlled feasibility trial of group cognitive behavioural therapy for people with severe asthma (2016)
Journal Article
Yorke, J., Adair, P., Doyle, A., Dubrow-Marshall, L., Fleming, S., Holmes, L., …Shuldham, C. (2016). A randomised controlled feasibility trial of group cognitive behavioural therapy for people with severe asthma. Journal of Asthma, 54(5), 543-554.

Objectives: Evidence for the efficacy of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) in asthma is developing but it is not known if this translates to benefits in severe asthma or if a group approach is acceptable to this patient group.This study aimed to as... Read More about A randomised controlled feasibility trial of group cognitive behavioural therapy for people with severe asthma.

Rheumatology occupational therapy-led fibromyalgia self- management education using motivational interviewing and mindfulness based cognitive therapy : a new approach (2016)
Journal Article
Prior, Y., & Walker, N. (2016). Rheumatology occupational therapy-led fibromyalgia self- management education using motivational interviewing and mindfulness based cognitive therapy : a new approach. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 30(1), 8-13

Fibromyalgia is a chronic musculoskeletal pain syndrome, which significantly affects patients’ quality of life. EULAR revised recommendations for the management of Fibromyalgia suggests non-pharmacological therapies and patient education should be tr... Read More about Rheumatology occupational therapy-led fibromyalgia self- management education using motivational interviewing and mindfulness based cognitive therapy : a new approach.

A qualitative evaluation of occupational therapy-led work rehabilitation for people with inflammatory arthritis : patients’ views (2016)
Journal Article
with inflammatory arthritis : patients’ views. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 80(1), 39-48.

Introduction: This qualitative study, nested in a pilot feasibility randomised controlled trial, explored the views of working people
with inflammatory arthritis on the impact of a work rehabilitation programme received.

Method: Thirty-two part... Read More about A qualitative evaluation of occupational therapy-led work rehabilitation for people with inflammatory arthritis : patients’ views.

Static and dynamic balance deficiencies in chronic low back pain (2016)
Journal Article
Tsigkanos, C., Gaskell, L., Smirniotou, A., & Tsigkanos, G. (2016). Static and dynamic balance deficiencies in chronic low back pain. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 29(4), 887-893.

Background: According to previously conducted studies, people with Low Back Pain (LBP) present with static balance deficiencies. Objective: The aim of the present study was to compare static, as well as dynamic balance ability between Chronic Low Bac... Read More about Static and dynamic balance deficiencies in chronic low back pain.

The Academic Resilience Scale (ARS-30) : a new multidimensional construct measure (2016)
Journal Article
Cassidy, S. (2016). The Academic Resilience Scale (ARS-30) : a new multidimensional construct measure. Frontiers in Psychology, 7(1787),

Resilience is a psychological construct observed in some individuals that accounts for success despite adversity. Resilience reflects the ability to bounce back, to beat the odds and is considered an asset in human characteristic terms. Academic resi... Read More about The Academic Resilience Scale (ARS-30) : a new multidimensional construct measure.

Temporal spatial and metabolic measures of walking in highly functional individuals with lower limb amputations (2016)
Journal Article
Jarvis, H., Bennett, A., Twiste, M., Phillip, R., Etherington, J., & Baker, R. (2017). Temporal spatial and metabolic measures of walking in highly functional individuals with lower limb amputations. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 98(7), 1389-1399.

The aim of this descriptive exploratory study is to record the temporal spatial parameters and metabolic energy expenditure during walking of individuals with amputation, walking with advanced prostheses and following completion of compr... Read More about Temporal spatial and metabolic measures of walking in highly functional individuals with lower limb amputations.

Attending a workplace : its contribution to volume and intensity of physical activity (2016)
Journal Article
Rafferty, D., Dolan, C., & Granat, M. (2016). Attending a workplace : its contribution to volume and intensity of physical activity. Physiological Measurement, 37(12), 2144-2153.

Understanding the contribution that attending a workplace has in accumulating physical activity (PA) may help inform strategies used to increase PA. This study explores the influence that attending work has on the total number of steps taken and the... Read More about Attending a workplace : its contribution to volume and intensity of physical activity.

An evaluation of a storybook targeting parental attitudes, intention and self-efficacy to change their child’s oral health behaviour (2016)
Journal Article
O'Malley, L., Adair, P., Burnside, G., Robinson, L., Coffey, M., & Pine, C. (2017). An evaluation of a storybook targeting parental attitudes, intention and self-efficacy to change their child’s oral health behaviour. Health Psychology, 36(2), 152-159.

Objective: Methods for reducing dental disease have traditionally focused on health education rather than targeting psychosocial determinants of the core behaviours through behaviour change strategies. This study tested a novel intervention in the fo... Read More about An evaluation of a storybook targeting parental attitudes, intention and self-efficacy to change their child’s oral health behaviour.