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Observational cohort study with internal and external validation of a predictive tool for identification of children in need of hospital admission from the emergency department : the Paediatric Admission Guidance in the Emergency department (PAGE) score (2020)
Journal Article
Rowland, A., Cotterill, S., Heal, C., Garratt, N., Long, T., Bonnett, L., …Roland, D. (2020). Observational cohort study with internal and external validation of a predictive tool for identification of children in need of hospital admission from the emergency department : the Paediatric Admission Guidance in the Emergency department (PAGE) score. BMJ Open, 10, e043864.

Objectives: To devise an assessment tool to aid discharge and admission decision making in relation to children and young people in hospital urgent and emergency
care facilities, and thereby improve the quality of care that patients receive, using a... Read More about Observational cohort study with internal and external validation of a predictive tool for identification of children in need of hospital admission from the emergency department : the Paediatric Admission Guidance in the Emergency department (PAGE) score.

Research priorities for UK pediatric critical care in 2019 : healthcare professionals’ and parents’ perspectives (2020)
Journal Article
Tume, L., Menzies, J., Ray, S., & Scholefield, B. (2021). Research priorities for UK pediatric critical care in 2019 : healthcare professionals’ and parents’ perspectives. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 22(5), e294-e301.

Objective: The Paediatric Intensive Care Society Study Group conducted a research prioritization exercise with the aim to identify and agree research priorities in Pediatric Critical Care in the United Kingdom (UK) both from a healthcare professional... Read More about Research priorities for UK pediatric critical care in 2019 : healthcare professionals’ and parents’ perspectives.

Arts for the Blues : the development of a new evidence-based creative group psychotherapy for depression (2020)
Journal Article
Omylinska-Thurston, J., Karkou, V., Parsons, A., Nair, K., Starkey, J., Dubrow-Marshall, L., …Sharma, S. (2021). Arts for the Blues : the development of a new evidence-based creative group psychotherapy for depression. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 21(3), 597-607.

Depression affects many adults in the UK, often resulting in referral to primary care
mental health services (e.g. Improving Access to Psychological Therapies, IAPT).
CBT is the main modality for depression within IAPT, with other ap... Read More about Arts for the Blues : the development of a new evidence-based creative group psychotherapy for depression.

Developing evaluation tools for assessing the educational potential of apps for preschool children in the UK (2020)
Journal Article
Kolak, J., Norgate, S., Monaghan, P., & Taylor, G. (2021). Developing evaluation tools for assessing the educational potential of apps for preschool children in the UK. Journal of Children and Media, 15(3), 410-430.

Selecting high quality apps can be challenging for caregivers and educators. We here develop tools evaluating educational potential of apps for preschool children. In Study 1, we developed two complementary evaluation tools tailored to different audi... Read More about Developing evaluation tools for assessing the educational potential of apps for preschool children in the UK.

Concurrent measurement of global positioning system and event-based physical activity data : a methodological framework for integration (2020)
Journal Article
framework for integration. Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour, 4(1), 9-22.

Objective: Global positioning system (GPS) data can add context to physical activity data and have previously been integrated with epoch-based physical activity data. The current study aimed to develop a framework for integrating GPS data and event-b... Read More about Concurrent measurement of global positioning system and event-based physical activity data : a methodological framework for integration.

Survey of monitor specification and viewing conditions in breast screening units in the North West of England (2020)
Journal Article
Papathanasiou, S., Thompson, J., & Walton, L. (2021). Survey of monitor specification and viewing conditions in breast screening units in the North West of England. Radiography, 27(2), 546-553.

Introduction: Monitor specification and viewing conditions are important factors affecting image assessment in mammography. This survey evaluates the different viewing conditions and monitor specifications that exist in acquisition and reporting room... Read More about Survey of monitor specification and viewing conditions in breast screening units in the North West of England.

Flowing towards freedom with multimodal creative therapy : the healing power of therapeutic arts for ex cult-members (2020)
Journal Article
Parsons, A., Turner, R., Ingleton, H., Kefalogianni, M., Omylinska-Thurston, J., Karkou, V., …Dubrow-Marshall, L. (2021). Flowing towards freedom with multimodal creative therapy : the healing power of therapeutic arts for ex cult-members. Arts in Psychotherapy, 72, 101743.

Creative arts can play an important role for cult survivors in surviving, transcending and healing from their past realities. Flow – an empowering state of mind-body integration and skilful, intuitive action while engaged in a challenging yet enjoyab... Read More about Flowing towards freedom with multimodal creative therapy : the healing power of therapeutic arts for ex cult-members.

A feasibility study of enhanced occupational therapy for children and young people with central nervous system tumours – outcomes for the families and for occupational therapy (2020)
Journal Article
Morgan, R., Estlin, E., Pizer, B., Keane, J., Bowyer, P., Nenadic, G., …Long, T. (2020). A feasibility study of enhanced occupational therapy for children and young people with central nervous system tumours – outcomes for the families and for occupational therapy. CYPF journal, Autumn(2020), 20-28

A two-year feasibility study was conducted to explore harmonisation of occupation-focused practice between two UK children’s cancer centres. The Short Child Occupational Profile (SCOPE) identified occupational needs of children with brain tumours to... Read More about A feasibility study of enhanced occupational therapy for children and young people with central nervous system tumours – outcomes for the families and for occupational therapy.

Evaluation of treatment descriptions and alignment with clinical guidance of apps for depression on app stores : systematic search and content analysis (2020)
Journal Article
Bowie-DaBreo, D., Sünram-Lea, S., Sas, C., & Iles-Smith, H. (2020). Evaluation of treatment descriptions and alignment with clinical guidance of apps for depression on app stores : systematic search and content analysis. JMIR Formative Research, 4(11), e14988.

Background: The use of apps for the treatment of depression shows great promise. However, there is uncertainty regarding the alignment of publicly available apps for depression with clinical guidance, their treatment fidelity and evidence base, and t... Read More about Evaluation of treatment descriptions and alignment with clinical guidance of apps for depression on app stores : systematic search and content analysis.

Evaluation of X-ray table mattresses for radiation attenuation and impact on image quality (2020)
Journal Article
Alresheedi, N., Walton, L., Hogg, P., Webb, J., & Tootell, A. (2021). Evaluation of X-ray table mattresses for radiation attenuation and impact on image quality. Radiography, 27(1), 215-220.

Mattresses in the radiology department tend to be an overlooked aspect of imaging equipment. This
paper evaluates the radiation attenuation characteristics of mattresses and the effect they have on
image quality.

Thirteen... Read More about Evaluation of X-ray table mattresses for radiation attenuation and impact on image quality.

Household food insecurity, diet quality and obesity : an explanatory model (2020)
Journal Article
Keenan, G., Christiansen, P., & Hardman, C. (2021). Household food insecurity, diet quality and obesity : an explanatory model. Obesity, 29(1), 143-149.

Objectives: Food insecurity (a lack of stable access to nutritious food) is reliably associated with poor diet, malnutrition and obesity; however, the underlying mechanisms are unclear. Here, we tested the hypothesis that these relations are explaine... Read More about Household food insecurity, diet quality and obesity : an explanatory model.

Optimal outcome measures for a trial of not routinely measuring gastric residual volume in neonatal care : a mixed methods consensus process (2020)
Journal Article
Gale, C., Dorling, J., Arch, B., Woolfall, K., Deja, E., Roper, L., …Tume, L. (2021). Optimal outcome measures for a trial of not routinely measuring gastric residual volume in neonatal care : a mixed methods consensus process. Archives of Disease in Childhood. Fetal and Neonatal Edition, 106(3), 292-297.

Background: Routine measurement of gastric residual volume to guide feeding is widespread in neonatal units but not supported by high-quality evidence. Outcome selection is critical to trial design. Objective: To determine optimal outcome measures fo... Read More about Optimal outcome measures for a trial of not routinely measuring gastric residual volume in neonatal care : a mixed methods consensus process.

Physical activity and cardiac self-efficacy levels during early recovery after acute myocardial infarction : a Jordanian study (2020)
Journal Article
Shajrawi, A., Granat, M., Jones, I., & Astin, F. (2021). Physical activity and cardiac self-efficacy levels during early recovery after acute myocardial infarction : a Jordanian study. Journal of Nursing Research, 29(1), e131.

Background: Regular physical activity is important for patients
with established coronary heart disease as it favorably influences
their coronary risk profile. General self-efficacy is a powerful
predictor of health behavior change that involves i... Read More about Physical activity and cardiac self-efficacy levels during early recovery after acute myocardial infarction : a Jordanian study.

Improving mealtimes for paediatric intensive care children and families : a quality improvement initiative (2020)
Journal Article
De Monte, M., Marti Petit, E., Baudin, F., Zamor, J., Ford-Chessel, C., Tume, L., …Valla, F. (2021). Improving mealtimes for paediatric intensive care children and families : a quality improvement initiative. Nursing in Critical Care, 26(4), 288-296.

Introduction: Many critically ill children can be fed orally at some point during their paediatric intensive care (PICU) stay, but reduced appetite and other factors may impact on their intake. At home, oral feeding is usually delivered by parents; s... Read More about Improving mealtimes for paediatric intensive care children and families : a quality improvement initiative.

Impact of different syringe pumps on red cells during paediatric simulated transfusion (2020)
Journal Article
Pardo, L., Sorgini Peterlini, M., Tume, L., & Pedreira, M. (2020). Impact of different syringe pumps on red cells during paediatric simulated transfusion. Nursing in Critical Care,

Background: Critically ill patients frequently need blood transfusions. For safety, blood must be delivered via syringe infusion pumps, yet this can cause red cell damage and increase the rate of haemolysis.
Aims and objectives: To evaluate bioche... Read More about Impact of different syringe pumps on red cells during paediatric simulated transfusion.

Enteral feeding of children on noninvasive respiratory support : a four-centre European study (2020)
Journal Article
Tume, L., Eveleens, R., Mayordomo-Colunga, J., Lopez, J., Verbruggen, S., Fricaudet, M., …Valla, F. (2021). Enteral feeding of children on noninvasive respiratory support : a four-centre European study. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 22(3), e192-e202.

Objective: To explore enteral feeding practices and the achievement of energy targets in children on Non-invasive respiratory support (NRS), in four European Pediatric Intensive Care Units (PICUs).
Design: A four centre retrospective cohort study... Read More about Enteral feeding of children on noninvasive respiratory support : a four-centre European study.

Considerations for nutrition support in critically ill children with COVID-19 and paediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome temporally associated with COVID-19 (2020)
Journal Article
Marino, L., Valla, F., Tume, L., Jotterand Chaparro, C., Moullet, C., Latten, L., …Verbruggen, S. (2021). Considerations for nutrition support in critically ill children with COVID-19 and paediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome temporally associated with COVID-19. Clinical Nutrition, 40(3), 895-900.

The aim of this editorial is to provide an adaptation of nutrition support recommendations for the overall population of critically ill children, to provide further refined recommendations for critically ill children presenting with COVID-19 or paedi... Read More about Considerations for nutrition support in critically ill children with COVID-19 and paediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome temporally associated with COVID-19.

Exploring perceptions of parents on the use of emergency department on-site primary care services for the treatment of children with non-urgent conditions (2020)
Journal Article
Sam, M., Cook, D., Rowland, A., & Butler, J. (2021). Exploring perceptions of parents on the use of emergency department on-site primary care services for the treatment of children with non-urgent conditions. Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing, 44(4), 285-302.

To understand the reasons parents of children with minor conditions attend the
Children’s Emergency Department (ED), and their views about on-site paediatric
same day care (SDC) service as an alternative treatment centre.
A... Read More about Exploring perceptions of parents on the use of emergency department on-site primary care services for the treatment of children with non-urgent conditions.