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Evaluation of X-ray table mattresses for radiation attenuation and impact on image quality

Alresheedi, N; Walton, LA; Hogg, P; Webb, JS; Tootell, AK

Evaluation of X-ray table mattresses for radiation attenuation and impact on image quality Thumbnail


N Alresheedi

LA Walton

JS Webb

AK Tootell


Mattresses in the radiology department tend to be an overlooked aspect of imaging equipment. This
paper evaluates the radiation attenuation characteristics of mattresses and the effect they have on
image quality.

Thirteen mattresses (from new to 20 years of age) were evaluated. Incident air kerma (IAK) was
measured in two conditions, with and without mattress over a range of exposure factors using a
digital dosimeter. The percentage change was calculated and applied to the set mAs to illustrate the
“effective mAs” delivered to an image receptor. Image quality was assessed by calculating the
inverse image quality factor (IQFinv) using a commercially available phantom (CDRAD) for the same
exposure factors. The correlation of age and attenuation and image quality was calculated.

Measured IAK and image quality was affected by the addition of a mattress. IAK decreased due to
attenuation and IQFinv indicated worse image quality. IAK correlated negatively with mattress age
indicating that older mattresses have higher attenuation properties. The clinical impact for radiation
increase was insignificant as it resulted in an average of 0.05 change in mAs. There was no
correlation between age and image quality.

The results indicate that while the presence of a mattress does impact on transmitted radiation and
the quality of the image, the clinical impact is insignificant. Attenuation correlates with age but with
no clinical significance. There is no correlation between age and image quality.
Implications for practice
Quality control tests for attenuation and impact on image quality are not required in clinical
practice. The method could be used by manufacturers to test new materials and mattresses and
could provide users with specifications of new products.


Alresheedi, N., Walton, L., Hogg, P., Webb, J., & Tootell, A. (2021). Evaluation of X-ray table mattresses for radiation attenuation and impact on image quality. Radiography, 27(1), 215-220.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 24, 2020
Online Publication Date Nov 9, 2020
Publication Date Feb 1, 2021
Deposit Date Nov 2, 2020
Publicly Available Date Nov 9, 2021
Journal Radiography
Print ISSN 1078-8174
Electronic ISSN 1532-2831
Publisher Elsevier
Volume 27
Issue 1
Pages 215-220
Publisher URL
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