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Using qualitative technique analysis to evaluate and develop technique of agility actions with your athletes (2021)
Journal Article
technique of agility actions with your athletes. Professional strength & conditioning, 25-33

An important element of developing agility with athletes is to evaluate technique in
performing actions associated with match play. For practitioners it is important to understand
what the key elements of ideal movement technique are to enhance per... Read More about Using qualitative technique analysis to evaluate and develop technique of agility actions with your athletes.

Predicting the role of touchless technologies within diagnostic radiography : results of an international survey (2021)
Journal Article
England, A., Thompson, J., Littler, E., Tugwell-Allsup, J., & Edwards, E. (2021). Predicting the role of touchless technologies within diagnostic radiography : results of an international survey. Radiography,

The evolution of technology within healthcare is continuing at a rapid rate. Touchless technologies (i.e. those involving gestures and voice commands) are rapidly being integrated into daily life. The aim of this study was to investigat... Read More about Predicting the role of touchless technologies within diagnostic radiography : results of an international survey.

Exploring the relationship between psychological flexibility and self-report and task-based measures of cognitive flexibility (2021)
Journal Article
Grant, A., & Cassidy, S. (2022). Exploring the relationship between psychological flexibility and self-report and task-based measures of cognitive flexibility. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 23, 144-150.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) interventions aim to increase psychological flexibility (PF) leading to positive treatment outcomes. It has been suggested that successful development of PF may depend on cognitive flexibility (CF), however the... Read More about Exploring the relationship between psychological flexibility and self-report and task-based measures of cognitive flexibility.

The Paediatric AirWay Suction (PAWS) appropriateness guide for endotracheal suction interventions (2021)
Journal Article
Schultz, J., Charles, K., Long, D., Brown, G., Copnell, B., Dargaville, P., …Ullman, A. (2021). The Paediatric AirWay Suction (PAWS) appropriateness guide for endotracheal suction interventions. Australian Critical Care,

Background/objective: Endotracheal suction is an invasive and potentially harmful technique used for airway clearance in mechanically ventilated children. Choice of suction intervention remains a complex and variable process. We sought to develop app... Read More about The Paediatric AirWay Suction (PAWS) appropriateness guide for endotracheal suction interventions.

Appropriate use criteria for endotracheal suction interventions in mechanically ventilated children : the RAND/UCLA development process (2021)
Journal Article
mechanically ventilated children : the RAND/UCLA development process. Australian Critical Care,

Endotracheal suction is an invasive airway clearance technique used in mechanically ventilated children. This article outlines the methods used to develop appropriate use criteria for endotracheal suction interventions in mechanically ve... Read More about Appropriate use criteria for endotracheal suction interventions in mechanically ventilated children : the RAND/UCLA development process.

Foetal alcohol spectrum disorder and Investigative interviewing : a systematic review highlighting clinical and legal implications and recommendations (2021)
Journal Article
Gilbert, D., Allely, C., Mukherjee, R., & Cook, P. (2022). Foetal alcohol spectrum disorder and Investigative interviewing : a systematic review highlighting clinical and legal implications and recommendations. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 40(1), 170-185.

Individuals with foetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are estimated to be 19 times more likely to encounter the criminal justice system (CJS) in comparison to individuals without FASD. During encounters with the CJS, investigative interviews are... Read More about Foetal alcohol spectrum disorder and Investigative interviewing : a systematic review highlighting clinical and legal implications and recommendations.

The need for children's advocacy centres : hearing the voices of children (2021)
Journal Article
Cook, D., Livesley, J., Long, T., Sam, M., & Rowland, A. (2021). The need for children's advocacy centres : hearing the voices of children. Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing,

Children and young people (CYP) can be empowered to take on roles as agents of change in
their own communities. CYP want to be heard and should be actively involved in the coproduction, design and development of services aimed at them to ensure that... Read More about The need for children's advocacy centres : hearing the voices of children.

Longitudinal study of foot pressures during real-world walking as infants develop from new to confident walkers (2021)
Journal Article
Price, C., Montagnani, E., Martinez Santos, A., Nester, C., & Morrison, S. (2022). Longitudinal study of foot pressures during real-world walking as infants develop from new to confident walkers. Gait & Posture, 92, 351-358.

Background: Onset of walking in infants leads to regular cyclic loading of the plantar foot
surface for the first time. This is a critical period for evolving motor skills and foot structure
and function. Plantar pressure literature typically studi... Read More about Longitudinal study of foot pressures during real-world walking as infants develop from new to confident walkers.

The association between COVID-19 related food insecurity and weight promoting eating behaviours : the mediating role of distress and eating to cope (2021)
Journal Article
Keenan, G., Christiansen, P., Owen, L., & Hardman, C. (2022). The association between COVID-19 related food insecurity and weight promoting eating behaviours : the mediating role of distress and eating to cope. Appetite, 169, 105835.

Food insecurity (a lack of stable access to nutritious food) is reliably associated with obesity, although the underlying mechanisms are unclear. Past research indicates that this relationship may, in part, be explained by the distress of being food... Read More about The association between COVID-19 related food insecurity and weight promoting eating behaviours : the mediating role of distress and eating to cope.

The Ostrich Community Internet-Cognitive Behavioural Therapy program for distress related to carrying debt : a digital hand to help people to face up to and cope with debt (2021)
Book Chapter
Dubrow-Marshall, L., & Smail, D. (2022). The Ostrich Community Internet-Cognitive Behavioural Therapy program for distress related to carrying debt : a digital hand to help people to face up to and cope with debt. In J. Prescott (Ed.), Digital Innovations for Mental Health Support (18-36). Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA: IGI Global.

Many individuals struggling with debt will experience associated psychological stress that negatively impacts on both their physical and psychological health (Elliott, 2016). People in debt may be too ashamed to participate in support groups or to se... Read More about The Ostrich Community Internet-Cognitive Behavioural Therapy program for distress related to carrying debt : a digital hand to help people to face up to and cope with debt.

Digitising creative psychological therapy : Arts for the Blues (A4B) (2021)
Book Chapter
Farish-Edwards, F., Parsons, A., Starkey, J., Dubrow-Marshall, L., Thurston, S., Omylinska-Thurston, J., & Karkou, V. (2022). Digitising creative psychological therapy : Arts for the Blues (A4B). In J. Prescott (Ed.), Digital Innovations for Mental Health Support (1-17). Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA: IGI Global.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a need to adapt and develop psychological interventions that address the mental health of those in need. As a result, Arts for the Blues (A4B), an evidence-based creative group psychotherapy model,... Read More about Digitising creative psychological therapy : Arts for the Blues (A4B).

Exploring female involvement in acts of terrorism and mass shootings : a systematic review (2021)
Journal Article
Nicholson, D., & Allely, C. (2021). Exploring female involvement in acts of terrorism and mass shootings : a systematic review. Journal of Criminal Psychology, 11(4), 335-356.

The primary objective of the present systematic review was: (1) To explore the current literature which assesses the incidence of completed or attempted mass shooting events in which a female party acted either alone or as an accomplice; (2) Explore... Read More about Exploring female involvement in acts of terrorism and mass shootings : a systematic review.

EEG alpha and theta signatures of socially and non-socially cued working memory in virtual reality (2021)
Journal Article
Gregory, S., Wang, H., & Kessler, K. (2021). EEG alpha and theta signatures of socially and non-socially cued working memory in virtual reality. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 17(6), 531-540.

In this preregistered study ( we investigated the behavioural and neurological (EEG; alpha (attention) and theta (effort)) effects of dynamic non-predictive social and non-social cues on working memory. In a virtual environment r... Read More about EEG alpha and theta signatures of socially and non-socially cued working memory in virtual reality.

Improving outcomes for children affected by parental involvement with the criminal justice system in Scotland (2021)
Journal Article
Long, T., Lockwood, K., Loucks, N., Nugent, B., Raikes, B., Sharratt, K., & Gallagher, L. (2021). Improving outcomes for children affected by parental involvement with the criminal justice system in Scotland. Applied Research in Quality of Life,

With 20-27,000 children in Scotland experiencing a parent’s imprisonment and many more their parent’s involvement in the wider criminal justice system, it is vital that children’s needs and preferences are understood and acted upon. Parental imprison... Read More about Improving outcomes for children affected by parental involvement with the criminal justice system in Scotland.

Defendants with intellectual disability and autism spectrum conditions : the perspective of clinicians working across three jurisdictions (2021)
Journal Article
McCarthy, J., Chaplin, E., Hayes, S., Søndenaa, E., Chester, V., Morrissey, C., …Forrester, A. (2021). Defendants with intellectual disability and autism spectrum conditions : the perspective of clinicians working across three jurisdictions. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 29(5), 698-717.

The treatment of vulnerable defendants by criminal justice systems or correctional systems varies within and between countries. The purpose of this paper is to examine three legal jurisdictions - New South Wales in Australia, Norway, England and Wale... Read More about Defendants with intellectual disability and autism spectrum conditions : the perspective of clinicians working across three jurisdictions.

Female Genital Mutilation (2021)
Book Chapter
Mulongo, P., Rowland, A., & McAndrew, S. Female Genital Mutilation. In P. Ali, & M. Rogers (Eds.), A comprehensive guide to gender-based violence. The University of Sheffield. Manuscript submitted for publication

This chapter explores the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM). Common terminology, definitions, and the differing types of FGM will be considered, together with the identification of countries where it is practiced and its global prevalence.... Read More about Female Genital Mutilation.

No differences in weightlifting overhead pressing exercises kinetics (2021)
Journal Article
Soriano, M., Lake, J., Comfort, P., Suchomel, T., McMahon, J., Jiménez-Ormeño, E., & Sainz de Baranda, P. (2021). No differences in weightlifting overhead pressing exercises kinetics. Sports Biomechanics, 1-13.

This study aimed to compare the kinetics between the push press (PP), push jerk (PJ), and split jerk (SJ). Sixteen resistance-trained participants (12 men and 4 women; age: 23.8 ± 4.4 years; height: 1.7 ± 0.1 m; body mass: 75.7 ± 13.0 kg; weightlifti... Read More about No differences in weightlifting overhead pressing exercises kinetics.