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Outputs (10)

Personality and cognitive factors in the assessment of multimodal stimuli in immersive virtual environments (2019)
Bailey, J. Personality and cognitive factors in the assessment of multimodal stimuli in immersive virtual environments. (Thesis). University of Salford

Literature in the study of human response to immersive virtual reality systems often deals with the phenomenon of presence. It can be shown that audio and imagery with spatial information can interact to affect presence in users of immersive virtual... Read More about Personality and cognitive factors in the assessment of multimodal stimuli in immersive virtual environments.

Pupil dilation reveals changes in listening effort due to energetic and informational masking (2019)
Presentation / Conference
Woodcock, J., Fazenda, B., Cox, T., & Davies, W. (2019, September). Pupil dilation reveals changes in listening effort due to energetic and informational masking. Presented at ICA 2019, Aachen, Germany

Pupil dilation has previously been shown to be a useful involuntary marker of listening effort. An inverse relationship between pupil diameter and signal to noise ratio has been shown when speech is energetically masked by noise. The work reported he... Read More about Pupil dilation reveals changes in listening effort due to energetic and informational masking.

Adding the room to the mix : perceptual aspects of modal resonance in live audio (2019)
Presentation / Conference
Fazenda, B., Bolla, C., & Palladini, A. (2019, September). Adding the room to the mix : perceptual aspects of modal resonance in live audio. Presented at 5th Workshop on Intelligent Music Production, Birmingham, UK

The problem of room acoustics correction in live sound is still an open one. In particular, the audible artefacts caused by low frequency resonances are still a major factor in determining the perceived quality of a live show.
Despite many years of... Read More about Adding the room to the mix : perceptual aspects of modal resonance in live audio.

Connecting design, emotion, and behaviour in urban soundscape (2019)
Presentation / Conference
Carvalho, M., Davies, W., & Fazenda, B. (2019, July). Connecting design, emotion, and behaviour in urban soundscape. Poster presented at SPARC 2019 Fake News and Home Truths, MediaCity UK, Salford

With the purpose of assisting developments in urban soundscape design, the present research investigates how soundscapes can influence emotions and behaviours in public spaces aiming to find healthy reactions to “exciting” sonic environments. In the... Read More about Connecting design, emotion, and behaviour in urban soundscape.

Testing spatial aspects of auditory salience (2019)
Presentation / Conference
Podwinska, Z., Fazenda, B., & Davies, W. (2019, June). Testing spatial aspects of auditory salience. Presented at The 25th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD 2019), Northumbria University, UK

Auditory salience describes the extent to which sounds attract the listener’s attention. So far, there have not been any published studies testing if the location of sound relative to the listener influences its salience. In fact, not many experiment... Read More about Testing spatial aspects of auditory salience.

Background adaptation for improved listening experience in broadcasting (2019)
Presentation / Conference
Tang, Y., Cox, T., Fazenda, B., Liu, Q., & Wang, W. (2019, May). Background adaptation for improved listening experience in broadcasting. Presented at 44th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2019, Brighton, UK

The intelligibility of speech in noise can be improved by modifying the speech. But with object-based audio, there is the possibility of altering the background sound while leaving the speech unaltered. This may prove a less intrusive approach, affor... Read More about Background adaptation for improved listening experience in broadcasting.

Acoustic Event Detection from Weakly Labeled Data Using Auditory Salience (2019)
Presentation / Conference
Podwinska, Z., Sobieraj, I., Fazenda, B., Davies, W., & Plumbley, M. (2019, May). Acoustic Event Detection from Weakly Labeled Data Using Auditory Salience. Presented at 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brighton, UK

Acoustic Event Detection (AED) is an important task of machine listening which, in recent years, has been addressed using common machine learning methods like Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) or deep learning. However, most of these approaches... Read More about Acoustic Event Detection from Weakly Labeled Data Using Auditory Salience.

Data relating to the ICA publication "Pupil dilation reveals changes in listening effort due to energetic and informational masking" (2019)

This repository contains the results and analysis script for the experiment described in:

J Woodcock, BM Fazenda, TJ Cox and WJ Davies (2019). "Pupil dilation reveals changes in listening effort due to energetic and informational masking". In Proc... Read More about Data relating to the ICA publication "Pupil dilation reveals changes in listening effort due to energetic and informational masking".

A hybrid intelligent agent for notification of users distracted by mobile phones in an urban environment (2019)
Presentation / Conference
Gelaim, T., Langer, G., Santos, E., Silveira, R., O'Hare, J., Kendrick, P., & Fazenda, B. (2019, February). A hybrid intelligent agent for notification of users distracted by mobile phones in an urban environment. Presented at 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART), Prague, Czech Republic

Mobile devices are now ubiquitous in daily life and the number of activities that can be performed using them
is continually growing. This implies increased attention being placed on the device and diverted away from
events taking place in the surr... Read More about A hybrid intelligent agent for notification of users distracted by mobile phones in an urban environment.