JW Bailey
Personality and cognitive factors in the assessment of multimodal stimuli in immersive virtual environments
Bailey, JW
Dr Bruno Fazenda B.M.Fazenda@salford.ac.uk
Prof Trevor Cox T.J.Cox@salford.ac.uk
Literature in the study of human response to immersive virtual reality systems often deals with the phenomenon of presence. It can be shown that audio and imagery with spatial information can interact to affect presence in users of immersive virtual reality. It has also been shown that there is variation between individuals in the experience of presence in VR. The relationship between these effects has hitherto not been fully explored. This thesis aims to identify and evaluate the relation- ships between spatial audio rendering and spatial relationships between audio and visual objects and cognitive and personality differences which account for variation in the experience of presence in VR with spatial audio. This thesis compares mea- sures of audiovisual quality of experience with an existing model of presence in a factor-analytical paradigm. Scores on these dimensions were compared between en- vironments which are similar or dissimilar to pre-exposure conditions and compared between when participants believed they were listening to real-world or headphone rendered audio events. Differences between audiovisual treatments, including au- dio rendering methods and audiovisual spatial relationships, were compared with differences attributed to cognitive and personality factors identified as significant predictors using hierarchical modelling. It was found that audiovisual quality of experience relates to subscales of presence by being independent of reported visual realism and involvement, but combines linearly with these factors to contribute to ’spatial presence’, a dimension of overall presence which is identified as the largest component in the construct. It was also found that, although manipulation of the spatial information content of audiovisual stimuli was a predictor of audiovisual quality of experience, this effect is overshadowed by inter-participant variation. In- teractive effects between extraversion, empathy, ease of resolving visual detail, and systematisation and are better predictors of quality of experience and spatial pres- ence than the changes to spatial information content investigated in this work. An- choring biases are also identified which suggest that novel environments are rated higher on audiovisual quality than those geometrically similar to the pre-exposure environment. These findings constitute support for a novel framework for assessing propensity for presence in terms of an information-processing model.
Bailey, J. Personality and cognitive factors in the assessment of multimodal stimuli in immersive virtual environments. (Thesis). University of Salford
Thesis Type | Thesis |
Deposit Date | Apr 20, 2020 |
Publicly Available Date | Apr 20, 2020 |
Award Date | Oct 1, 2019 |
JWBailey Per Cog Factors VR 2019.pdf
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