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Outputs (32)

The effectiveness of online platforms after the pandemic : will face-to-face classes affect students’ perception of their Behavioural Intention (BIU) to use online platforms? (2021)
Journal Article

The purpose of this study is to investigate students’ intention to continue using online learning platforms during face-to-face traditional classes in a way that is parallel to their usage during online virtual classes (during the pandemic). This inv... Read More about The effectiveness of online platforms after the pandemic : will face-to-face classes affect students’ perception of their Behavioural Intention (BIU) to use online platforms?.

Students’ perception towards behavioral intention of audio and video teaching styles : an acceptance study (2021)
Journal Article

Recently audio and video material has been used significantly in various online platforms. The audio-video materials enhance the teaching and learning process by facilitating the transformation of
the data and providing a richer interactive environm... Read More about Students’ perception towards behavioral intention of audio and video teaching styles : an acceptance study.

Technology acceptance drivers for AR smart glasses in the middle east : a quantitative study (2021)
Journal Article
Alsharhan, A., Salloum, S., & Aburayya, A. (2022). Technology acceptance drivers for AR smart glasses in the middle east : a quantitative study. International journal of data and network science (Online), 6(1), 193-208.

This study aims to establish Middle East users' perspectives on the major factors that impact their
decision to adopt Augmented Reality AR smart glasses (ARSG). Thus, an online questionnaire was
designed and sent directly to the respondents, and 58... Read More about Technology acceptance drivers for AR smart glasses in the middle east : a quantitative study.