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Outputs (8)

Methodology to support semantic resources integration in the construction sector (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Barresi, S., Meziane, F., Lima, C., & Rezgui, Y. (2006, May). Methodology to support semantic resources integration in the construction sector. Presented at Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2006), Paphos, Cyprus

Ontologies, taxonomies, and other semantic resources, are used in a variety of sectors to facilitate knowledge reuse and information exchange between people and applications. In recent years, the need to access multiple semantic resources has led to... Read More about Methodology to support semantic resources integration in the construction sector.

Methodology to support semantic resources integration in the construction sector (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Barresi, S., Meziane, F., Lima, C., & Rezgui, Y. (2006, May). Methodology to support semantic resources integration in the construction sector. Presented at Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2006), Paphos, Cyprus

Ontologies, taxonomies, and other semantic resources, are used in a variety of sectors to facilitate knowledge reuse and information exchange between people and applications. In recent years, the need to access multiple semantic resources has led to... Read More about Methodology to support semantic resources integration in the construction sector.

Architecture to support semantic resources interoperability (2005)
Presentation / Conference
Barresi, S., Meziane, F., Rezgui, Y., & Lima, C. (2005, November). Architecture to support semantic resources interoperability. Poster presented at First ACM International Workshop on Interoperability of Heterogeneous Information Systems (IHIS 2005), Bremen, Germany

Semantic Resources (SRs) such as ontologies and taxonomies are used in many sectors for various purposes. In the Construction domain they are used to facilitate software application inter-working, and improve communication and understanding among the... Read More about Architecture to support semantic resources interoperability.

Architecture to support semantic resources interoperability (2005)
Presentation / Conference
Barresi, S., Meziane, F., Rezgui, Y., & Lima, C. (2005, November). Architecture to support semantic resources interoperability. Poster presented at First ACM International Workshop on Interoperability of Heterogeneous Information Systems (IHIS 2005), Bremen, Germany

Semantic Resources (SRs) such as ontologies and taxonomies are used in many sectors for various purposes. In the Construction domain they are used to facilitate software application inter-working, and improve communication and understanding among the... Read More about Architecture to support semantic resources interoperability.

Setting up the open semantic infrastructure for the construction sector in Europe, the FUNSIEC project (2004)
Presentation / Conference
Celson, L., Fiès, B., Silva, C., & Barresi, S. (2004, September). Setting up the open semantic infrastructure for the construction sector in Europe, the FUNSIEC project. Presented at 5th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling in the Building and Construction Industry, ECPPM 2004, Istanbul, Turkey

The general aim of the FUNSIEC project was to study the feasibility of building and maintaining an Open Semantic Infrastructure for the European Construction Sector (OSIECS) at a technical, organisational and business level. Such an infrastructure wa... Read More about Setting up the open semantic infrastructure for the construction sector in Europe, the FUNSIEC project.

Setting up the open semantic infrastructure for the construction sector in Europe, the FUNSIEC project (2004)
Presentation / Conference
Celson, L., Fiès, B., Silva, C., & Barresi, S. (2004, September). Setting up the open semantic infrastructure for the construction sector in Europe, the FUNSIEC project. Presented at 5th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling in the Building and Construction Industry, ECPPM 2004, Istanbul, Turkey

The general aim of the FUNSIEC project was to study the feasibility of building and maintaining an Open Semantic Infrastructure for the European Construction Sector (OSIECS) at a technical, organisational and business level. Such an infrastructure wa... Read More about Setting up the open semantic infrastructure for the construction sector in Europe, the FUNSIEC project.