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Outputs (431)

Airport noise modelling for strategic environmental impact assessment of aviation (2017)
Journal Article
Torija Martinez, A., Self, R., & Flindell, I. (2018). Airport noise modelling for strategic environmental impact assessment of aviation. Applied Acoustics, 132, 49-57.

As projected by different agencies the aviation market will experience a significant increase in air traffic demand
over the next decades, driven by the large demand of the Asia-Pacific region. To overcome the further deterioration
of the quality o... Read More about Airport noise modelling for strategic environmental impact assessment of aviation.

Evidence of Varroa -mediated deformed wing virus spillover in Hawaii (2017)
Journal Article
Santamaria, J., Villalobos, E., Brettell, L., Nikaido, S., Graham, J., & Martin, S. (2017). Evidence of Varroa -mediated deformed wing virus spillover in Hawaii. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 151, 126-130.

The spread of disease between closely related species is often times exacerbated by a vector. In this study, the Varroa mite, a pest exclusive to honeybees, has been shown to amplify the natural levels of the Deformed Wing virus, resulting in a spill... Read More about Evidence of Varroa -mediated deformed wing virus spillover in Hawaii.

A revised speech spectrum for STI calculations (2017)
Journal Article
Morales, L., Leembruggen, G., Dance, S., & Shield, B. (2018). A revised speech spectrum for STI calculations. Applied Acoustics, 132, 33-42.

The ability of the Speech Transmission Index (STI) to predict speech intelligibility under noisy conditions is
highly dependent on the assumed spectrum of the speech signal. Examination of the literature showed that the
long-term average speech spe... Read More about A revised speech spectrum for STI calculations.

The potential for cool roofs to improve the energy efficiency of single storey warehouse-type retail buildings in Australia : a simulation case study (2017)
Journal Article
Seifhashemi, M., Capra, B., Miller, W., & Bell, J. (2018). The potential for cool roofs to improve the energy efficiency of single storey warehouse-type retail buildings in Australia : a simulation case study. Energy and Buildings, 158, 1393-1403

Australia’s commercial building stock exceeds 134 million m2 of net lettable area, with retail buildings contributing 35% to this sector’s energy use. The energy intensity of retail buildings in hotter climates is higher than the national average, as... Read More about The potential for cool roofs to improve the energy efficiency of single storey warehouse-type retail buildings in Australia : a simulation case study.

Electroosmosis modulated peristaltic biorheological flow through an asymmetric microchannel : mathematical model (2017)
Journal Article
Tripathi, D., Jhorar, R., Beg, O., & Shaw, S. (2017). Electroosmosis modulated peristaltic biorheological flow through an asymmetric microchannel : mathematical model. Meccanica, 53(8), 2079-2090.

A theoretical study is presented of peristaltic hydrodynamics of an aqueous electrolytic nonNewtonian Jeffrey bio-rheological fluid through an asymmetric microchannel under an applied axial electric field. An analytical approach is adopted to obtain... Read More about Electroosmosis modulated peristaltic biorheological flow through an asymmetric microchannel : mathematical model.

Oscillatory dissipative conjugate heat and mass transfer in chemically-reacting micropolar flow with wall couple stress : a finite element numerical study (2017)
Journal Article
Shamshuddin, M., Sheri, S., & Beg, O. (2017). Oscillatory dissipative conjugate heat and mass transfer in chemically-reacting micropolar flow with wall couple stress : a finite element numerical study. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 233(1), 48-64.

High temperature non-Newtonian materials processing provides a stimulating area for process engineering simulation. Motivated by emerging applications in this area, the present article investigates the time-dependent free convective flow of a chemica... Read More about Oscillatory dissipative conjugate heat and mass transfer in chemically-reacting micropolar flow with wall couple stress : a finite element numerical study.

Are isomeric alkenes used in species recognition among neo-tropical stingless bees (Melipona spp) (2017)
Journal Article
Martin, S., Shemilt, S., Lima, C., & Carvalho, C. (2017). Are isomeric alkenes used in species recognition among neo-tropical stingless bees (Melipona spp). Journal of Chemical Ecology, 43(11-12), 1066-1072.

The majority of our understanding of the role of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHC) in recognition is based largely on temperate ant species and honey bees. The stingless bees remain relatively poorly studied, despite being the largest group of eusocial be... Read More about Are isomeric alkenes used in species recognition among neo-tropical stingless bees (Melipona spp).

Carbon and cost critical elements of buildings : a comparative analysis of two office buildings (2017)
Journal Article
Victoria, M., Perera, S., Davies, A., & Fernando, N. (2017). Carbon and cost critical elements of buildings : a comparative analysis of two office buildings. Built Environment Project and Asset Management, 7(5), 460-470.

Purpose: The aim of this paper is to identify and compare cost and carbon critical elements of two office buildings and to propose an early design stage cost and carbon control strategy to achieve an optimum balance between building Capital Cost (CC)... Read More about Carbon and cost critical elements of buildings : a comparative analysis of two office buildings.

Current condition and future directions for lean construction in highways projects : a small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) perspective (2017)
Journal Article
Tezel, A., Koskela, L., & Aziz, Z. (2018). Current condition and future directions for lean construction in highways projects : a small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) perspective. International Journal of Project Management, 36(2), 267-286.

The aim of this study is to identify the parameters defining how Lean Construction (LC) is being implemented (current condition) and how LC
can be further promoted (future direction) from a Small-Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) perspective. Although... Read More about Current condition and future directions for lean construction in highways projects : a small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) perspective.

The chronology of a sediment core from incised valley of the Yangtze River delta : comparative OSL and AMS 14C dating (2017)
Journal Article
Nian, X., Zhang, W., Wang, Z., Sun, Q., Chen, Z., & Hutchinson, S. (2017). The chronology of a sediment core from incised valley of the Yangtze River delta : comparative OSL and AMS 14C dating. Marine Geology, 395, 320-330.

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating has gained increased use in dating deltatic deposits, however, its application can be hindered by the problem of incomplete bleaching. To address this limitation, we test the single-grain OSL method for... Read More about The chronology of a sediment core from incised valley of the Yangtze River delta : comparative OSL and AMS 14C dating.