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Outputs (69)

An open environment for the specification, design and code generation of control algorithms (1998)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Proposals for an open, yet integrated, design environment to ease the design of complex process control systems are presented. A hierarchical approach to the allocation of computing resources is typically used in process control systems. The lower en... Read More about An open environment for the specification, design and code generation of control algorithms.

Collaboration in a virtual world : support for conceptual learning? (1998)
Journal Article
Brna, P., & Aspin, R. (1998). Collaboration in a virtual world : support for conceptual learning?. Education and Information Technologies, 3(3/4), 247-259.

Immersive and semi‐immersive Virtual Reality (VR) systems have been used for training in the execution of procedures, in exploring (often static) 3D structures such as architectural designs or geographical features, and in designing buildings or cons... Read More about Collaboration in a virtual world : support for conceptual learning?.

Environmental enrichment for Australian mammals (1998)
Journal Article
Murray, A., Waran, N., & Young, R. (1998). Environmental enrichment for Australian mammals. Animal Welfare Journal, 7(4), 415-425.

Many of Australia's nocturnal mammals are rare or endangered in the wild. The behavioural integrity of captive populations of endangered species can be maintained through the application of environmental enrichment techniques. This study investigated... Read More about Environmental enrichment for Australian mammals.

Pattern discovery in time-oriented data (1998)
Presentation / Conference
Saraee, M., Theodoulidis, B., & Koundourakis, G. (1998, November). Pattern discovery in time-oriented data. Presented at International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition, Plymouth, England

We present a data mining system, EasyMiner which has been developed for interactive mining
of interesting patterns in time-oriented databases. This system implements a wide spectrum of
data mining functions, including generalisation, characterisati... Read More about Pattern discovery in time-oriented data.

Sampling to monitor soil in England and Wales (1998)
Presentation / Conference
Scholz, M., Oliver, M., Webster, R., Loveland, P., & McGrath, P. (1998, November). Sampling to monitor soil in England and Wales. Presented at Second European Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications, Valencia, Spain

Sampling to monitor soil in England and Wales (1998)
Presentation / Conference
Scholz, M., Oliver, M., Webster, R., Loveland, P., & McGrath, P. (1998, November). Sampling to monitor soil in England and Wales. Presented at Second European Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications, Valencia, Spain

Research to evaluate reaction to a food safety and health and safety training package for restaurant personnel and to investigate factors influencing attendance (1998)

An action research project based upon the design, development, delivery and
preliminary evaluation of a combined Food Safety and Health and Safety Training
Package targeted at a specific group of small food businesses was conducted in a
City Chall... Read More about Research to evaluate reaction to a food safety and health and safety training package for restaurant personnel and to investigate factors influencing attendance.

Evolutionary design of digital trajectory-tracking controllers for robotic manipulators (1998)
Allaoui, C. Evolutionary design of digital trajectory-tracking controllers for robotic manipulators. (Thesis). University of Salford

The design of digital trajectory-tracking controllers for robotic manipulators is a challenging task, since such manipulators are multivariable non-linear plants. In addition, in many applications of robotic manipulators, it is required that very hig... Read More about Evolutionary design of digital trajectory-tracking controllers for robotic manipulators.

EasyMiner: data mining in medical databases (1998)
Presentation / Conference
Saraee, M., Koundourakis, G., & Theodoulidis, B. (1998, October). EasyMiner: data mining in medical databases. Presented at IEE Colloquium on Intelligent Methods in Healthcare and Medical Applications, York, UK

Data mining techniques have rarely been applied to medical domain. The University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) is currently in the process of experimenting with a data mining project using an extensive clinical database o... Read More about EasyMiner: data mining in medical databases.