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Outputs (4)

“That's bang out of order, mate!”: Gendered and racialized micro‐practices of disadvantage and privilege in UK business schools (2022)
Journal Article

The existence of gendered and racialized inequalities in academia has been well documented. To date, research has primarily addressed the intersectional disadvantages faced by members of minority groups with much less attention paid to the privileges... Read More about “That's bang out of order, mate!”: Gendered and racialized micro‐practices of disadvantage and privilege in UK business schools.

Learning from Each Other: Why and How Business Schools Need to Create a “Paradox Box” for Academic–Policy Impact (2022)
Journal Article

As the “impact agenda” continues to gain prominence internationally, a key challenge is enabling academics and policymakers to interact so that they can learn effectively from and with each other. There is an ethical position that, if we could contri... Read More about Learning from Each Other: Why and How Business Schools Need to Create a “Paradox Box” for Academic–Policy Impact.

Infrastructuring [Im]perfect markets: Putting a ‘very rural’ 5G digital infrastructure in place (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This paper breaks new ground by revealing and conceptualising the infrastructuring of moral markets as a process that aggregates and integrates experimental sociomaterial practices through the construction and use of local and global knowledge archit... Read More about Infrastructuring [Im]perfect markets: Putting a ‘very rural’ 5G digital infrastructure in place.