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Texting and the brain: The time-course of social brain activation in face-to-face versus text-based computer-mediated-communication (2023)
Journal Article
Sacristan, R., Royle, S., & Galpin, A. (2023). Texting and the brain: The time-course of social brain activation in face-to-face versus text-based computer-mediated-communication. #Journal not on list, 17(4), Article 3.

Through evolution, humans have adapted their interactions to face-to-face communication, supported by a network of neural systems which facilitate the transmission and interpretation of social signals for successful communication. However, emerging m... Read More about Texting and the brain: The time-course of social brain activation in face-to-face versus text-based computer-mediated-communication.

The multiple roles of media use within the family system during lockdown: a thematic analysis of parental reports from the UK (2023)
Journal Article
Galpin, A., Bidgood, A., & Taylor, G. (2023). The multiple roles of media use within the family system during lockdown: a thematic analysis of parental reports from the UK. Children & Society, 37(4), 1233-1251.

Children's media use increased during the COVID-19 lockdowns. Here, we present a thematic analysis of online survey responses from 69 parents (of children aged 0–11 years) who described their family media use after the first UK lockdown. Data highlig... Read More about The multiple roles of media use within the family system during lockdown: a thematic analysis of parental reports from the UK.

A tool for measuring mental workload during prosthesis use: The Prosthesis Task Load Index (PROS-TLX) (2023)
Journal Article
Parr, J., Galpin, A., Uiga, L., Wright, D., Franklin, Z., & Wood, G. (in press). A tool for measuring mental workload during prosthesis use: The Prosthesis Task Load Index (PROS-TLX). PLoS ONE, 18(5),

When using a upper-limb prosthesis, mental, emotional, and physical effort is often experienced. These have been linked to high rates of device dissatisfaction and rejection. Therefore, understanding and quantifying the complex nature of workload exp... Read More about A tool for measuring mental workload during prosthesis use: The Prosthesis Task Load Index (PROS-TLX).