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Outputs (49)

Defining Continuous Walking Events in Free-Living Environments: Mind the Gap (2022)
Journal Article
Gbadamosi, A. R., Griffiths, B. N., Clarke-Cornwell, A. M., & Granat, M. H. (2022). Defining Continuous Walking Events in Free-Living Environments: Mind the Gap. Sensors, 22(5), 1720.

In free-living environments, continuous walking can be challenging to achieve without encountering interruptions, making it difficult to define a continuous walking event. While limited research has been conducted to define a continuous walking event... Read More about Defining Continuous Walking Events in Free-Living Environments: Mind the Gap.

698 mothers and babies, 38 390 nappy changes : what did we learn? (2021)
Journal Article
MacVane Phipps, F., Price, A., Ackers-Johnson, J., Cook, P., Clarke-Cornwell, A., & Lythgoe, J. (2021). 698 mothers and babies, 38 390 nappy changes : what did we learn?. British Journal of Midwifery, 29(3), 150-157.

Background Several industry funded studies between 2001–2018 have compared the use of a single brand of baby wipes to cleansing with water and either cloth or cotton wool during nappy changes. All of these studies found that wipes were safe and effec... Read More about 698 mothers and babies, 38 390 nappy changes : what did we learn?.

The BaSICS (Baby Skin Integrity Comparison Survey) study : a prospective experimental study using maternal observations to report the effect of baby wipes on the incidence of irritant diaper dermatitis in infants, from birth to eight weeks of age (2020)
Journal Article
Price, A., Lythgoe, J., Ackers-Johnson, J., Cook, P., Clarke-Cornwell, A., & MacVane Phipps, F. (2021). The BaSICS (Baby Skin Integrity Comparison Survey) study : a prospective experimental study using maternal observations to report the effect of baby wipes on the incidence of irritant diaper dermatitis in infants, from birth to eight weeks of age. Pediatrics and Neonatology, 62(2), 138-145.

Baby wipes have been shown to be safe and effective in maintaining skin
integrity when compared to the use of water alone. However, no previous study
has compared different formulations of wipe. The aim of the BaSICS study was to
ident... Read More about The BaSICS (Baby Skin Integrity Comparison Survey) study : a prospective experimental study using maternal observations to report the effect of baby wipes on the incidence of irritant diaper dermatitis in infants, from birth to eight weeks of age.

The performance of an algorithm for classifying gym-based tasks across individuals with different body mass index (2020)
Journal Article
Gerrard-Longworth, S., Preece, S., Clarke-Cornwell, A., & Goulermas, Y. (2020). The performance of an algorithm for classifying gym-based tasks across individuals with different body mass index. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 24(4), 282-290.

Previous activity classification studies have typically been performed on normal weight individuals. Therefore, it is unclear whether a generic classification algorithm could be developed that would perform consistently across individuals who fall wi... Read More about The performance of an algorithm for classifying gym-based tasks across individuals with different body mass index.

Quantifying sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit transitions in free-living environments using the activPAL thigh-worn activity monitor (2019)
Journal Article

Purpose: Standing up, sitting down and walking require considerable effort and coordination, which are crucial indicators to rehabilitation (e.g. stroke), and in older populations may indicate the onset of frailty and physical and cognitive decline.... Read More about Quantifying sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit transitions in free-living environments using the activPAL thigh-worn activity monitor.