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Outputs (14)

Developing confidence in mental health students to recognise and manage physical health problems using a learning intervention (2016)
Journal Article

Globally, there is increased recognition of a higher prevalence of physical ill health and mortality in individuals with mental health problems. A review of the literature highlighted the need to address deterioration in physical health of those with... Read More about Developing confidence in mental health students to recognise and manage physical health problems using a learning intervention.

A dignified approach to improving the patient experience : promoting privacy, dignity and respect through collaborative training (2012)
Journal Article
Chadwick, A. (2012). A dignified approach to improving the patient experience : promoting privacy, dignity and respect through collaborative training. Nurse Education in Practice, 12(4), 187-191.

Globally there is a plethora of literature surrounding patients’ privacy, dignity and respect, consequently
highlighting the need for healthcare professionals to ensure such basic human rights are upheld when
delivering care. For qualified practiti... Read More about A dignified approach to improving the patient experience : promoting privacy, dignity and respect through collaborative training.

A dignified approach to improving the patient experience : promoting privacy, dignity and respect through collaborative training (2012)
Journal Article
Chadwick, A. (2012). A dignified approach to improving the patient experience : promoting privacy, dignity and respect through collaborative training. Nurse Education in Practice, 12(4), 187-191.

Globally there is a plethora of literature surrounding patients’ privacy, dignity and respect, consequently
highlighting the need for healthcare professionals to ensure such basic human rights are upheld when
delivering care. For qualified practiti... Read More about A dignified approach to improving the patient experience : promoting privacy, dignity and respect through collaborative training.

Minding our own bodies : reviewing the literature regarding the perceptions of service users diagnosed with SMI on barriers to accessing physical health care (2012)
Journal Article
Chadwick, A., Street, C., McAndrew, S., & Deacon, M. (2012). Minding our own bodies : reviewing the literature regarding the perceptions of service users diagnosed with SMI on barriers to accessing physical health care. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 21(3), 211-219.

International studies consistently demonstrate that individuals diagnosed with severe
mental illness (SMI) have an increased risk of co-morbid physical health problems and premature
death. During the past decade, government policy in the UK has foc... Read More about Minding our own bodies : reviewing the literature regarding the perceptions of service users diagnosed with SMI on barriers to accessing physical health care.