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Outputs (8)

The application of biomechanics in orthopaedics (2010)
Presentation / Conference
Liu, A., Jones, R., & Nester, C. (2010, November). The application of biomechanics in orthopaedics. Presented at Talk at the Department of Orthopaedics, The First People's Hospital of Shanghai, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Human biomechanics and gait analysis (2010)
Presentation / Conference
Liu, A., Jones, R., & Nester, C. (2010, November). Human biomechanics and gait analysis. Presented at Talk at School of Medical Instrument and Food Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology

Gait analysis in rehabilitation (2010)
Presentation / Conference
Jones, R., & Liu, A. (2010, October). Gait analysis in rehabilitation. Presented at International Rehabilitation and Gait Analysis Conference, Beijing Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Foot and ankle biomechanics (2010)
Presentation / Conference
Liu, A., Jones, R., & Nester, C. (2010, October). Foot and ankle biomechanics. Presented at International Gait Analysis Symposium, Sichuan University, China

Clinical application of gait analysis (2010)
Presentation / Conference
Jones, R., & Liu, A. (2010, October). Clinical application of gait analysis. Presented at International Gait Analysis Symposium, Sichuan University, China

State of the art: Gait analysis and orthopaedics (2010)
Presentation / Conference
Jones, R., & Liu, A. (2010, October). State of the art: Gait analysis and orthopaedics. Presented at Meeting at the Orthopaedic Department of Huaxi Hospital, Orthopaedic Department of Huaxi Hospital, Sichuan University

Error in the description of foot kinematics due to violation of rigid body assumptions (2010)
Journal Article
Nester, C., Liu, A., Ward, E., Howard, D., Cocheba, J., & Derrick, T. (2010). Error in the description of foot kinematics due to violation of rigid body assumptions. Journal of Biomechanics, 43(4), 666-672.

Kinematic data from rigid segment foot models inevitably includes errors because the bones within each segment move relative to each other. This study sought to define error in foot kinematic data due to violation of the rigid segment assumption. The... Read More about Error in the description of foot kinematics due to violation of rigid body assumptions.