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Outputs (95)

Functional units of the human foot (2008)
Journal Article
Wolf, P., Stacoff, A., Liu, A., Nester, C., Arndt, A., Lundberg, A., & Stuessi, E. (2008). Functional units of the human foot. Gait & Posture, 28(3), 434-441.

Functional units in the human foot provide a meaningful basis for subdivisions of the entire foot during gait analysis as well as justified
simplifications of foot models. The present study aimed to identify such functional units during walking and... Read More about Functional units of the human foot.

In vitro study of foot kinematics using a dynamic walking cadaver model (2007)
Journal Article
Nester, C., Liu, A., Ward, E., Howard, D., Cocheba, J., Derrick, T., & Patterson, P. (2007). In vitro study of foot kinematics using a dynamic walking cadaver model. Journal of Biomechanics, 40(9), 1927-1937.

There is a dearth of information on navicular, cuboid, cuneiform and metatarsal kinematics during walking and our objective was to study the kinematic contributions these bones might make to foot function. A dynamic cadaver model of walking was used... Read More about In vitro study of foot kinematics using a dynamic walking cadaver model.

The 3D static FE model and it’s validation (2007)
Presentation / Conference
Tao, K., Liu, A., Nester, C., & Wang, C. (2007, March). The 3D static FE model and it’s validation. Presented at Shanghai International Symposium on Virtual Mechanical Human, Shanghai Jiaotong University

Does a specific MR imaging protocol with a supine-lying subject replicate tarsal kinematics seen during upright standing? / Bildet ein spezifisches MR-Verfahren mit rücklings liegendem Probanden die tarsale Kinematik unter stehenden Bedingungen nach? (2007)
Journal Article
Wolf, P., Stacoff, A., Liu, A., Arndt, A., Nester, C., Lundberg, A., & Stuessi, E. (2007). Does a specific MR imaging protocol with a supine-lying subject replicate tarsal kinematics seen during upright standing? / Bildet ein spezifisches MR-Verfahren mit rücklings liegendem Probanden die tarsale Kinematik unter stehenden Bedingungen nach?. Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik, 52(4), 290-294.

Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is becoming increasingly important in the study of foot biomechanics. Specific devices have been constructed to load and position the foot while the subject is lying supine in the scanner. The present study examines th... Read More about Does a specific MR imaging protocol with a supine-lying subject replicate tarsal kinematics seen during upright standing? / Bildet ein spezifisches MR-Verfahren mit rücklings liegendem Probanden die tarsale Kinematik unter stehenden Bedingungen nach?.