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Outputs (4)

How do novice and improver walkers move in their home environments? An open-sourced infant’s gait video analysis (2019)
Journal Article
Price, C., Marencakova, J., Maly, T., Zahalka, F., & Nester, C. (2019). How do novice and improver walkers move in their home environments? An open-sourced infant’s gait video analysis. PLoS ONE, 14(6),


Natural independent walking mostly occurs during infant´s everyday explorations of their home environment. Gait characteristics of infant walkers at different developmental stages exist in literature, however, data has been only collecte... Read More about How do novice and improver walkers move in their home environments? An open-sourced infant’s gait video analysis.

An investigation into the effects of, and interaction between, heel height and shoe upper stiffness on plantar pressure and comfort (2019)
Journal Article

High heeled shoes remain popular, nevertheless it is not clear what influence manipulating characteristics of this footwear has on their functioning. It is accepted that shoe features other than heel height can affect plantar pressures. However, few... Read More about An investigation into the effects of, and interaction between, heel height and shoe upper stiffness on plantar pressure and comfort.