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Outputs (14)

The effect of foot position during static calibration trials on knee kinematic and kinetics during walking (2022)
Journal Article
Althomali, O., Starbuck, C., Alarifi, S., Alsaqri, K., Mohammad, W., Elsais, W., & Jones, R. (2022). The effect of foot position during static calibration trials on knee kinematic and kinetics during walking. Gait & Posture, 99, 133-138.

Gait analysis has been used extensively for computing knee kinematics and kinetics, in particular, in healthy and impaired individuals. One variable assessed is the external knee adduction moment (EKAM). Variations in EKAM values between... Read More about The effect of foot position during static calibration trials on knee kinematic and kinetics during walking.

A new integrated behavioural intervention for knee osteoarthritis : development and pilot study (2021)
Journal Article
Preece, S., Brookes, N., Williams, A., Jones, R., Starbuck, C., Jones, A., & Walsh, N. (2021). A new integrated behavioural intervention for knee osteoarthritis : development and pilot study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 22(1), 526.

Background: Exercise-based approaches have been a cornerstone of physiotherapy management of knee osteoarthritis for many years. However, clinical effects are considered small to modest and the need for continued adherence identified as a barrier to... Read More about A new integrated behavioural intervention for knee osteoarthritis : development and pilot study.

The effect of speed on Achilles tendon forces and patellofemoral joint stresses in high performing endurance runners (2021)
Journal Article

Achilles tendinopathy and patellofemoral pain are common running injuries associated with increased Achilles tendon (AT) forces and patellofemoral joint (PFJ) stresses. This study examined AT forces and PFJ stresses at different running speeds in hig... Read More about The effect of speed on Achilles tendon forces and patellofemoral joint stresses in high performing endurance runners.

Are there common walking gait characteristics in patients diagnosed with late-onset Pompe disease? (2021)
Journal Article
Starbuck, C., Reay, J., Silk, E., Roberts, M., Hendriksz, C., & Jones, R. (2021). Are there common walking gait characteristics in patients diagnosed with late-onset Pompe disease?. Human Movement Science, 77, 102777.

Late-onset Pompe disease (LOPD) is a rare disease, defined as a progressive accumulation of lysosomal glycogen resulting in muscle weakness and respiratory problems. Anecdotally, individuals often have difficulties walking, yet, there is no three dim... Read More about Are there common walking gait characteristics in patients diagnosed with late-onset Pompe disease?.

Conservative treatment for acute ankle sprain : a systematic review (2020)
Journal Article
Ortega-Avila, A., Cervera-Garvi, P., Marchena-Rodriguez, A., Chicharro-Luna, E., Nester, C., Starbuck, C., & Gijon-Nogueron, G. (2020). Conservative treatment for acute ankle sprain : a systematic review. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9(10), e3128.

The aim was to identify conservative treatments available for acute ankle sprain and to evaluate their effectiveness with respect to pain relief and short-term recovery of functional capacity. A systematic review of the relevant literature was conduc... Read More about Conservative treatment for acute ankle sprain : a systematic review.

The biomechanical changes during sport-specific tasks and different commercially available footwear in individuals following meniscectomy (2020)
Walters, V. The biomechanical changes during sport-specific tasks and different commercially available footwear in individuals following meniscectomy. (Thesis). University of Salford

Injuries to the meniscus are common particularly in sporting individuals. Traumatic meniscal tears typically occur due to a high impact twisting action on a planted foot, which can be seen in sports such as basketball, football and skiing. Competitiv... Read More about The biomechanical changes during sport-specific tasks and different commercially available footwear in individuals following meniscectomy.

EMG gait data from indwelling electrodes is attenuated over time and changes independent of any experimental effect (2020)
Journal Article
Reeves, J., Starbuck, C., & Nester, C. (2020). EMG gait data from indwelling electrodes is attenuated over time and changes independent of any experimental effect. Journal of Electro - myography and Kinesiology, 54, 102461.

The effect of time on the validity of electromyography (EMG) signals from indwelling fine-wire electrodes has not been explored. This is important because experiments using intramuscular electrodes are often long and biochemical and mechanical factor... Read More about EMG gait data from indwelling electrodes is attenuated over time and changes independent of any experimental effect.

The value of tibial mounted inertial measurement units to quantify running kinetics in elite football (soccer) players. A reliability and agreement study using a research orientated and a clinically orientated system (2019)
Journal Article
Hughes, T., Jones, R., Starbuck, C., Sergeant, J., & Callaghan, M. (2019). The value of tibial mounted inertial measurement units to quantify running kinetics in elite football (soccer) players. A reliability and agreement study using a research orientated and a clinically orientated system. Journal of Electro - myography and Kinesiology, 44(Feb 19), 156-164.

In elite football, measurement of running kinetics with inertial measurement units (IMUs) may be useful as a component of periodic health examination (PHE). This study determined the reliability of, and agreement between a research orientated IMU and... Read More about The value of tibial mounted inertial measurement units to quantify running kinetics in elite football (soccer) players. A reliability and agreement study using a research orientated and a clinically orientated system.