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Outputs (50)

Exploring the Experience of Romantic Relationships and Sexuality Education in Neurodivergent and Neurotypical Young Individuals (2024)
Journal Article
Smusz, M., Allely, C. S., Birkbeck, C., & Bidgood, A. (2024). Exploring the Experience of Romantic Relationships and Sexuality Education in Neurodivergent and Neurotypical Young Individuals. Sexuality and Disability, 42(3), 735-764.

Purpose The literature indicates that sexuality education provided in schools/colleges in the United Kingdom (UK) may not be appropriate for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). There appears to be a lack of understanding of the subject regard... Read More about Exploring the Experience of Romantic Relationships and Sexuality Education in Neurodivergent and Neurotypical Young Individuals.

La Coexistencia de La Victimización y la Conducta Problemática en la Vida Juvenil: Una Revisión Sistemática (Scoping Review)’. (Children as Victims and Offenders: A Scoping Review.) (2023)
Journal Article
Birkbeck, C., Hazel, N., & Bailey, L. (2023). La Coexistencia de La Victimización y la Conducta Problemática en la Vida Juvenil: Una Revisión Sistemática (Scoping Review)’. (Children as Victims and Offenders: A Scoping Review.). #Journal not on list, 51-105

Typically, Criminology and Victimology focus on the person
either as an offender or as a victim, yet there may be many
individuals who have experiences of each within a relatively
short period of time. We present the results of a scoping review
o... Read More about La Coexistencia de La Victimización y la Conducta Problemática en la Vida Juvenil: Una Revisión Sistemática (Scoping Review)’. (Children as Victims and Offenders: A Scoping Review.).

Moral work in victim–offender meetings (2022)
Journal Article
Birkbeck, C., & Smith, G. (2022). Moral work in victim–offender meetings. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 24(1), 59-78.

Although many studies of restorative justice touch on its moral dimensions, they provide a rather fragmentary view of the moral work that takes place in meetings between victims and offenders. We treat moral work as a discursive phenomenon that emerg... Read More about Moral work in victim–offender meetings.

Moral work in victim–offender meetings (2022)
Journal Article
Birkbeck, C., & Smith, G. (2022). Moral work in victim–offender meetings. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 24(1), 59-78.

Although many studies of restorative justice touch on its moral dimensions, they provide a rather fragmentary view of the moral work that takes place in meetings between victims and offenders. We treat moral work as a discursive phenomenon that emerg... Read More about Moral work in victim–offender meetings.

“You and your laws and us with our laws” : a murderer’s stories navigate conflicting normative domains (2021)
Journal Article
Birkbeck, C., & Rodríguez, J. (2021). “You and your laws and us with our laws” : a murderer’s stories navigate conflicting normative domains. Dilemas : Revista de Estudos de Conflito e Controle Social (Impresso), 14(3), 641-658.

Employing Labov’s structural model of stories
and Schönbach’s typology of accounts, we
examine an interview with a murderer in
Venezuela and compare two stories that were
narrated within it: one about the murder and
one about his family life. Wh... Read More about “You and your laws and us with our laws” : a murderer’s stories navigate conflicting normative domains.

Talking as restorative justice : a conversation analysis of victim-offender meetings (2021)
Langford, R. Talking as restorative justice : a conversation analysis of victim-offender meetings. (Thesis). University of Salford

The purpose of this research was to examine the restorative justice meeting as a form of
institutional talk, identifying significant asymmetries in the talk, and acknowledging how this
contributed to achieving restoration. This study used audio-rec... Read More about Talking as restorative justice : a conversation analysis of victim-offender meetings.

Interpreting ‘living law’ amongst Muslim women in the UK (2019)
Khan, A. Interpreting ‘living law’ amongst Muslim women in the UK. (Thesis). University of Salford

The main objective of this thesis is to capture, describe, understand and articulate the ways in which Muslim women view and interpret crime, deviance and moral dilemmas in contemporary society. This study will evaluate the contrasts and overlaps bet... Read More about Interpreting ‘living law’ amongst Muslim women in the UK.

Victimization, crime propensity and deviance: a multinational test of general strain theory (2019)
Journal Article
Teijon Alcala, M., & Birkbeck, C. (2019). Victimization, crime propensity and deviance: a multinational test of general strain theory. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 35(4), 410-430.

General Strain Theory (GST) identifies victimization as one of the strains most strongly related to crime which, like other sources of strain, is moderated by individual and social factors. Recently, Agnew (2013) extended the theorization of coping s... Read More about Victimization, crime propensity and deviance: a multinational test of general strain theory.

A criminological critique of body worn cameras in policing : the case of the United Arab Emirates (2018)
Alshehhi, M. (in press). A criminological critique of body worn cameras in policing : the case of the United Arab Emirates. (Thesis). University of Salford

The thesis critically examines the qualitative experiences of Body Worn Cameras (BWCs) amongst a sample of police officers in UAE prior to the formal implementation of this technology. It considers the relevance, strengths and limitations of BWC tec... Read More about A criminological critique of body worn cameras in policing : the case of the United Arab Emirates.