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Outputs (50)

Conducta antisocial adolescente bajo un enfoque integrador de tres teorías criminológicas (2018)
Journal Article
Morillo, S., & Birkbeck, C. (2018). Conducta antisocial adolescente bajo un enfoque integrador de tres teorías criminológicas. Revista de ciencias sociales (Maracaibo), 23(3), 76-88

In order to test the theories of Differential Association, Social Control and General Crime, the
relationship between antisocial behavior and key constructs of the theories was analyzed, namely, “favourable definitions” (differential association), “... Read More about Conducta antisocial adolescente bajo un enfoque integrador de tres teorías criminológicas.

Venezuela, Corrections in (2017)
Book Chapter

The correctional system of Venezuela is best understood as a system of internment. The inmate population doubled between 2008 and 2015, and overcrowding is at 270%. Remand and sentenced inmates are usually not segregated and most centers are in a ver... Read More about Venezuela, Corrections in.

Internationalizing the study of gang membership : validation issues from Latin America (2016)
Journal Article
Rodriguez, J., Perez Santiago, N., Birkbeck, C., Crespo, F., & Morillo, S. (2017). Internationalizing the study of gang membership : validation issues from Latin America. British Journal of Criminology, 57(5), 1165-1184.

Developing valid measures of gang membership for self-report surveys is a challenging task in comparative cross-national research. In this article we use the Venezuelan case to assess the validity of the Eurogang indicators of gang membership. Based... Read More about Internationalizing the study of gang membership : validation issues from Latin America.

Surveys as cultural artefacts : applying the international self-report delinquency study to Latin American adolescents (2015)
Journal Article
Rodríguez, J., Pérez Santiago, N., & Birkbeck, C. (2015). Surveys as cultural artefacts : applying the international self-report delinquency study to Latin American adolescents. European Journal of Criminology, 12(4), 420-436.

Survey instruments are often watermarked with the language, thought patterns, experience and expectations of their designers’ cultural world. This creates some evident challenges when using surveys in international research projects (for example, in... Read More about Surveys as cultural artefacts : applying the international self-report delinquency study to Latin American adolescents.

La moralidad historiada: El melodrama de la criminalidad en las Américas (2014)
Birkbeck, C. (2014). La moralidad historiada: El melodrama de la criminalidad en las Américas. Madrid

Esta monografía examina el discurso moral que materializa en los comentarios sobre la criminalidad reportados en la prensa latinoamericana y angloamericana. Encuentra allí múltiples pero pocas variadas «historias del presente» que encierran una visió... Read More about La moralidad historiada: El melodrama de la criminalidad en las Américas.

Media representations of crime and criminal justice (2014)
Journal Article
Birkbeck, C. (2014). Media representations of crime and criminal justice.

To date, criminologists have approached the media from a communications perspective that, directly or indirectly, treats them as a powerful social force. However, systematic research (conducted mainly outside but also within criminology) has failed t... Read More about Media representations of crime and criminal justice.