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Outputs (10)

Foetal alcohol spectrum disorder and Investigative interviewing : a systematic review highlighting clinical and legal implications and recommendations (2021)
Journal Article

Individuals with foetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are estimated to be 19 times more likely to encounter the criminal justice system (CJS) in comparison to individuals without FASD. During encounters with the CJS, investigative interviews are... Read More about Foetal alcohol spectrum disorder and Investigative interviewing : a systematic review highlighting clinical and legal implications and recommendations.

Defendants with intellectual disability and autism spectrum conditions : the perspective of clinicians working across three jurisdictions (2021)
Journal Article

The treatment of vulnerable defendants by criminal justice systems or correctional systems varies within and between countries. The purpose of this paper is to examine three legal jurisdictions - New South Wales in Australia, Norway, England and Wale... Read More about Defendants with intellectual disability and autism spectrum conditions : the perspective of clinicians working across three jurisdictions.

Evaluation of a liaison and diversion Court Mental Health Service for defendants with neurodevelopmental disorders (2021)
Journal Article

Neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD) may present as neuropsychiatric problems as well as impairments of motor, cognitive, social and communication functioning. This study describes the introduction of a specialist service with expertise in NDD in... Read More about Evaluation of a liaison and diversion Court Mental Health Service for defendants with neurodevelopmental disorders.

The development and evaluation of the Cognitive Behavioural Social Competence Therapeutic Intervention for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder without an Intellectual Disability (CBSCTI-ASD) (2021)
Tate, D. The development and evaluation of the Cognitive Behavioural Social Competence Therapeutic Intervention for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder without an Intellectual Disability (CBSCTI-ASD). (Thesis). University of Salford Manchester

Many young people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can have an average or above average IQ yet still struggle with the social competencies needed to successfully navigate into adulthood. Despite many individuals with ASD experiencing significant c... Read More about The development and evaluation of the Cognitive Behavioural Social Competence Therapeutic Intervention for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder without an Intellectual Disability (CBSCTI-ASD).

Prevalence of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in Greater Manchester, UK: An active case ascertainment study (2021)
Journal Article

Background: Despite high levels of prenatal alcohol exposure in the UK, evidence on the prevalence of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) is lacking. This paper reports on FASD prevalence in a small sample of children in primary school.

Me... Read More about Prevalence of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in Greater Manchester, UK: An active case ascertainment study.

Investigating the perceived effectiveness of Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing (EMDR) treatment in adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse and the impact on neuropsychological, emotional and behavioural functioning and quality of life : a case series analysis (2021)
Bibi, H. Investigating the perceived effectiveness of Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing (EMDR) treatment in adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse and the impact on neuropsychological, emotional and behavioural functioning and quality of life : a case series analysis. (Thesis). University of Salford

Childhood sexual abuse (CSA) is an ongoing issue (WHO, 2017) with 1 in 20
children annually reported as being abused in the UK (NSPCC, 2019; Radford et al,
2011). Many child survivors are of adolescent or young adult age before they request
help f... Read More about Investigating the perceived effectiveness of Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing (EMDR) treatment in adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse and the impact on neuropsychological, emotional and behavioural functioning and quality of life : a case series analysis.

A heuristic study of the similarities and differences in offender characteristics across potential and successful serial sexual homicide offenders (2021)
Journal Article

This heuristic study examined potential serial sexual homicide offenders (SSHOs), an unacknowledged offender group comprised of aspiring and probable SSHOs, and compared them with successful SSHOs. Data were collected on six aspiring SSHOs who each f... Read More about A heuristic study of the similarities and differences in offender characteristics across potential and successful serial sexual homicide offenders.

Dealing with trauma in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders : trauma informed care, treatment, and forensic implications (2021)
Journal Article

Trauma is prevalent in the lives of adults with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). As a result, a routine screening for trauma is essential especially when autism-related symptoms are heightened or when violence is exhibited. Case studies and empiric... Read More about Dealing with trauma in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders : trauma informed care, treatment, and forensic implications.