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Outputs (8)

Immediate and repeat interrogative suggestibility in a sample of adolescents with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (2023)
Journal Article
Gilbert, D. J., Gudjonsson, G., Cook, P., Mukherjee, R. A. S., & Allely, C. (2024). Immediate and repeat interrogative suggestibility in a sample of adolescents with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Diversity & Inclusion Research, 1(1), e12007.

Individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are more likely to be involved with the criminal justice system (CJS) than neurotypical individuals. Interrogative suggestibility is theorised to be a weakness in this population; this is the f... Read More about Immediate and repeat interrogative suggestibility in a sample of adolescents with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.

“Their Normal is Just Different to Ours”: How Does Police Occupational Culture Contribute to Their Understanding of Autism? (2023)

This exploratory, qualitative PhD study aimed to explore how police occupational culture theory can be used to view police behaviours and attitudes towards autism, and how autistic individuals perceive the police following experiences as suspects. P... Read More about “Their Normal is Just Different to Ours”: How Does Police Occupational Culture Contribute to Their Understanding of Autism?.

‘I inevitably get in trouble…in one way or another’: qualitative exploration of the vulnerabilities and experiences of justice system encountered individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. (2023)
Journal Article
Gilbert, D., Allely, C., & Penny, C. (2023). ‘I inevitably get in trouble…in one way or another’: qualitative exploration of the vulnerabilities and experiences of justice system encountered individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Forensic Science International, 4,

In comparison to the neurotypical population, individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are over-represented in the criminal justice system (CJS). This study explores the perspectives of a small sample of individuals with F... Read More about ‘I inevitably get in trouble…in one way or another’: qualitative exploration of the vulnerabilities and experiences of justice system encountered individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder..

A realist evaluation of an enhanced court‐based liaison and diversion service for defendants with neurodevelopmental disorders (2023)
Journal Article

Background: In England, court‐based mental health liaison and diversion (L&D) services work across courts and police stations to support those with severe mental illness and other vulnerabilities. However, the evidence around how such services suppor... Read More about A realist evaluation of an enhanced court‐based liaison and diversion service for defendants with neurodevelopmental disorders.

The development of the Cognitive Behavioural Social Competence Therapeutic Intervention for Adults with Autism: A mixed methods report (2023)
Journal Article
Tate, D., Dubrow‐Marshall, L., & Allely, C. S. (in press). The development of the Cognitive Behavioural Social Competence Therapeutic Intervention for Adults with Autism: A mixed methods report. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research,

Background: Many young people with autism can have an average or above average IQ, yet they still struggle with the social competencies needed to successfully navigate into adulthood. Despite many individuals with autism experiencing significant chal... Read More about The development of the Cognitive Behavioural Social Competence Therapeutic Intervention for Adults with Autism: A mixed methods report.

Development and Pre-Feasibility Testing of SPECIFiC: A Psychoeducation Programme for Caregivers of Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) (2023)
Journal Article

A growing number of evidence-based services are available for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), but few focus on caregiver psychoeducation. Despite new guidance in the UK requiring FASD services, the evidence base for effective interventions is... Read More about Development and Pre-Feasibility Testing of SPECIFiC: A Psychoeducation Programme for Caregivers of Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).

Autism spectrum disorder and personality disorders: How do clinicians carry out a differential diagnosis? (2023)
Journal Article

Although it is recognised that autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and personality disorders (PDs) have a variety of factors in common, the exact nature of the relationship between ASD and the PDs remains unclear. The overlapping symptom profiles and comp... Read More about Autism spectrum disorder and personality disorders: How do clinicians carry out a differential diagnosis?.