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Outputs (31)

Bridging the Digital Divide: Challenges and Opportunities for Disabled Adults in Volunteering (2024)
Kamerāde, D., Clark, A., Goodall, C., Parker, C., Vasilica, C., & Yuen, J. (2024). Bridging the Digital Divide: Challenges and Opportunities for Disabled Adults in Volunteering. Digital Futures of Work/ESRC

This report combines insights from social science, vocational rehabilitation, disability research and digital engagement to explore how the widespread use of the Internet and other digital tools in various areas of life, including volunteer organisat... Read More about Bridging the Digital Divide: Challenges and Opportunities for Disabled Adults in Volunteering.

Sex education against the algorithm: the algorithmically enforced deplatforming of YouTube sex edutainment (2024)
Journal Article
Garwood-Cross, L., Light, B., Cooper-Ryan, A., & Vasilica, C. (2024). Sex education against the algorithm: the algorithmically enforced deplatforming of YouTube sex edutainment. Journal of Gender Studies, 1-13.

Deplatforming of sexual content has increased across social media, usually operationalized by commercially charged, and algorithmically enforced, platform policies. This paper extends work on the algorithmic deplatforming of sex through the case stud... Read More about Sex education against the algorithm: the algorithmically enforced deplatforming of YouTube sex edutainment.

Improving the after care for deceased organ donor families and friends, an online peer to peer support network (2024)

The thesis explores the use of social media to support bereavement aftercare for families/friends of organ donors following the death of their relative. Existing research appraising the aftercare of families/friends post-deceased donation is limited.... Read More about Improving the after care for deceased organ donor families and friends, an online peer to peer support network.

Using FLO text-messages to enhance health behaviours and self-management of long-term conditions in South-Asian patients (2024)
Journal Article
Chaudhry, T., Ormandy, P., & Vasilica, C. (in press). Using FLO text-messages to enhance health behaviours and self-management of long-term conditions in South-Asian patients. Digital Health, 10,

Objectives: Cultural and communication differences faced by South-Asian (SA) ethnic minority groups have led to challenges in the delivery of health care and complex management of long-term conditions (LTCs). We aim to explore the use of text-messagi... Read More about Using FLO text-messages to enhance health behaviours and self-management of long-term conditions in South-Asian patients.

Digitizing nursing: A theoretical and holistic exploration to understand the adoption and use of digital technologies by nurses (2023)
Journal Article
Wynn, M., Garwood‐Cross, L., Vasilica, C., Griffiths, M., Heaslip, V., & Phillips, N. (2023). Digitizing nursing: A theoretical and holistic exploration to understand the adoption and use of digital technologies by nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing,

Background: With healthcare undergoing rapid digitalization, the effective integration of new technologies is crucial for nursing professionals, who form the largest group in the healthcare workforce. However, barriers within the nursing profession m... Read More about Digitizing nursing: A theoretical and holistic exploration to understand the adoption and use of digital technologies by nurses.

Where do you stand?: an exploration of perspectives toward feet, foot health, and footwear using innovative digital methods (2023)
Journal Article
Skidmore, S., Prior, Y., Nester, C., Bird, S., & Vasilica, C. (2023). Where do you stand?: an exploration of perspectives toward feet, foot health, and footwear using innovative digital methods. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 16(1),

The cost of losing foot health is significant to the person, healthcare systems, and economy, with diabetes related foot health issues alone costing over £1 billion annually in the UK. Yet many foot health problems are preventable through alternative... Read More about Where do you stand?: an exploration of perspectives toward feet, foot health, and footwear using innovative digital methods.

Digital Innovation in Healthcare (2023)
Book Chapter
Prior, Y., & Wynn, M. (2023). Digital Innovation in Healthcare. In C. Vasilica, E. Gillaspy, & N. Withnell (Eds.), Digital Skills for Nursing Studies and Practice. SAGE Publications