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Outputs (31)

Social media futures – let's have a heated debate! (2022)
Presentation / Conference
Withnell, N., Vasilica, C., & Gillaspy, E. (2022, December). Social media futures – let's have a heated debate!. Presented at Social Media for Learning in Higher Education 2022, The University of Northampton

Interrogating the possibilities and problems of YouTube sex edutainment content : an Actor-Network Theory approach (2022)

British Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) has gained public attention in recent years due to several reports highlighting gaps in provision and a change of statutory guidance for RSE in 2019. Historically RSE has linked sex with risk and shame, s... Read More about Interrogating the possibilities and problems of YouTube sex edutainment content : an Actor-Network Theory approach.

Participating in CaMKIN : impact on patients (2021)
Vasilica, C., Garwood-Cross, L., Finnigan, R., Bashford, T., O’Kane, P., & Ormandy, P. (2021). Participating in CaMKIN : impact on patients

Managing long-term health conditions is a global challenge, which has necessitated developing innovative ways to deliver patient centred care. Social media allow patients to access and share personal experiences and peer support, with... Read More about Participating in CaMKIN : impact on patients.

Developing the digital self-determined learner through heutagogical design (2021)
Journal Article
Gillaspy, E., & Vasilica, C. (2021). Developing the digital self-determined learner through heutagogical design. Higher Education Pedagogies, 6(1), 135-155.

This empirical qualitative study investigates whether the introduction of heutagogy in contemporary nursing education can foster the development of the digital self-determined learner, who is prepared to work and live in the fourth industrial age and... Read More about Developing the digital self-determined learner through heutagogical design.

The STRENCO Logic Model for tripartite working in mental health (2021)
Vasilica, C., McGlynn, L., Schoultz, M., & Iles-Smith, H. (2021). The STRENCO Logic Model for tripartite working in mental health

The STRENCO Logic Model for Tripartite Working provides a snapshot of the feasibility of working in more co-produced ways to achieve greater inclusiveness of service users, family members, carers, experts by experience, clinicians, academics and stud... Read More about The STRENCO Logic Model for tripartite working in mental health.

Exploring the experiences and use of text messages to enhance health behaviours and self-management in South Asian patients (2021)

This PhD thesis seeks to explore and understand the use and experiences of whether text-messaging in the South-Asian (SA) community enhances positive health behaviours, and self-management through the Florence (FLO) text messaging system. It also exa... Read More about Exploring the experiences and use of text messages to enhance health behaviours and self-management in South Asian patients.

Identifying information needs of patients with IgA Nephropathy, using an innovative social media stepped analytical approach (2021)
Journal Article

Increasingly people with kidney disease are using social media to search for medical information and to find peer-support. IgA nephropathy (IgAN) predominantly affects young adults, demographically the biggest users of... Read More about Identifying information needs of patients with IgA Nephropathy, using an innovative social media stepped analytical approach.