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Using simulation as a learning experience in clinical teams to learn about palliative and end of life care : a literature review (2017)
Journal Article

Simulation has been shown to improve the preparedness of practitioners in acute care. In this review we evaluate using simulation to prepare practitioners to deliver palliative care in multidisciplinary teams. The Joanna Briggs Institute approach was... Read More about Using simulation as a learning experience in clinical teams to learn about palliative and end of life care : a literature review.

Diagnosis, prognosis and awareness of dying in nursing homes : towards the Gold Standard? (2013)
Journal Article
Johnson, M., Attree, M., Jones, I., Al Gamal, E., & Garbutt, D. (2014). Diagnosis, prognosis and awareness of dying in nursing homes : towards the Gold Standard?. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 9(2), 95-105.

Background. In Western society and increasingly elsewhere, death has become medicalised and ‘hospitalised’ even when people are enduring deteriorating terminal conditions such as dementia and heart failure. In an attempt to rationalise and dignify th... Read More about Diagnosis, prognosis and awareness of dying in nursing homes : towards the Gold Standard?.

The conversation: developing confidence to provide end of life care in Salford nursing homes
Johnson, M., Attree, M., Jones, I., Gamal, E., & Garbutt, D. (2011). The conversation: developing confidence to provide end of life care in Salford nursing homes

The study was funded by the Burdett Trust for Nursing and partly by Salford Primary Care Trust. A realistic evaluation design was used to collect data using a range of approaches, from before and after surveys of confidence in delivering end of life... Read More about The conversation: developing confidence to provide end of life care in Salford nursing homes.

The conversation: developing confidence to provide end of life care in Salford nursing homes
Johnson, M., Attree, M., Jones, I., Gamal, E., & Garbutt, D. (2011). The conversation: developing confidence to provide end of life care in Salford nursing homes

The study was funded by the Burdett Trust for Nursing and partly by Salford Primary Care Trust. A realistic evaluation design was used to collect data using a range of approaches, from before and after surveys of confidence in delivering end of life... Read More about The conversation: developing confidence to provide end of life care in Salford nursing homes.