Dynamic cadaver model for a new understanding of rigid body foot kinematics
Presentation / Conference
Liu, A., Nester, C., Ward, E., Howard, D., Derrick, T., Cocheba, J., & Patterson, P. (2004, August). Dynamic cadaver model for a new understanding of rigid body foot kinematics. Presented at International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics, Hong Kong
Outputs (5)
Development of an improved rigid body model of the foot (2004)
Presentation / Conference
Liu, A., Nester, C., Ward, E., Howard, D., Derrick, T., Cocheba, J., & Patterson, P. (2004, April). Development of an improved rigid body model of the foot. Presented at Foot and Ankle Retreat II, Los Angeles, USA
Optimization of legged robot locomotion by control of foot-force distribution (2004)
Journal Article
Jiang, W., Liu, A., & Howard, D. (2004). Optimization of legged robot locomotion by control of foot-force distribution. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 26(4), 311-323. https://doi.org/10.1191/0142331204tm124oaThe contribution of this paper is the introduction of three new pseudo-inverse formulations for the real-time control of foot-force distribution in multi-legged walking machines. Three alternative locomotion performance objectives are proposed for th... Read More about Optimization of legged robot locomotion by control of foot-force distribution.
Geometric design of crab-like climbing and walking robots (2004)
Journal Article
Liu, A., & Howard, D. (2004). Geometric design of crab-like climbing and walking robots. Journal of Bionic Engineering, 1(4), 231-240
Development of an improved rigid body of the foot (2004)
Journal Article