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Outputs (4)

Automated design of robust discriminant analysis classifier for foot pressure lesions using kinematic data (2005)
Journal Article
Goulermas, J., Findlow, A., Nester, C., Howard, D., & Bowker, P. (2005). Automated design of robust discriminant analysis classifier for foot pressure lesions using kinematic data. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 52(9), 1549-1562.

In the recent years, the use of motion tracking systems for acquisition of functional biomechanical gait data, has received increasing interest due to the richness and accuracy of the measured kinematic information. However, costs frequently restrict... Read More about Automated design of robust discriminant analysis classifier for foot pressure lesions using kinematic data.

Finite element analysis of footwear and ground interaction (2005)
Journal Article
Sun, Z., Howard, D., & Moatamedi, M. (2005). Finite element analysis of footwear and ground interaction. Strain, 41(3), 113-117.

Military boots are designed to prevent the soft tissue and skeletal structure of the feet from damage under heavy usage. Good slip-resistant tread patterns of the outer-sole are vital to minimise the risk or severity of slipping under demanding condi... Read More about Finite element analysis of footwear and ground interaction.

In vivo study of foot kinematics using a walking simulator (2005)
Presentation / Conference
Liu, A., Nester, C., Ward, E., Howard, D., Cocheba, J., Derrick, T., & Patterson, P. (2005, July). In vivo study of foot kinematics using a walking simulator. Presented at ISB XXth Congress-ASB 29th Annual Meeting, Cleveland, Ohio