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A device for characterising the mechanical properties of the plantar soft tissue of the foot (2015)
Journal Article
Parker, D., Cooper, G., Pearson, S., Crofts, G., Howard, D., Busby, P., & Nester, C. (2015). A device for characterising the mechanical properties of the plantar soft tissue of the foot. Medical Engineering and Physics, 37(11), 1098-1104.

The plantar soft tissue is a highly functional viscoelastic structure involved in transferring load to the human body during walking. A Soft Tissue Response Imaging Device was developed to apply a vertical compression to the plantar soft tissue whils... Read More about A device for characterising the mechanical properties of the plantar soft tissue of the foot.

Meta-analysis of metabolic cost of amputee walking shows only a marginal improvement in cost when using ESR feet compared to conventional SACH feet (2015)
Presentation / Conference
Gardiner, J., Bari, Z., Kenney, L., & Howard, D. (2015, June). Meta-analysis of metabolic cost of amputee walking shows only a marginal improvement in cost when using ESR feet compared to conventional SACH feet. Presented at ISPO World Congress 2015, Lyon, France

Background: Energy storage and return (ESR) prosthetic feet are designed to store strain energy during stance and release that energy during push-off and, hence, promote a more energy efficient gait. However, despite ESR feet being prescribed for app... Read More about Meta-analysis of metabolic cost of amputee walking shows only a marginal improvement in cost when using ESR feet compared to conventional SACH feet.

Novel methods of using accelerometry for upper limb FES control [conference paper] (2015)
Presentation / Conference
Sun, M., Howard, D., Kenney, L., Smith, C., Waring, K., & Luckie, H. (2015, May). Novel methods of using accelerometry for upper limb FES control [conference paper]. Presented at 5th Conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society (IFESS) UK & Ireland Chapter : Stimulating Technology for the Future, Sheffield, UK

Introduction: Accelerometry offers a low cost, low power solution to measuring body segment angle (BSA) relative to the gravity vector under quasi-static conditions. BSA may be used as an input to a state-machine based, upper limb functional electric... Read More about Novel methods of using accelerometry for upper limb FES control [conference paper].

A forward dynamic modelling investigation of cause-and-effect relationships in single support phase of human walking (2015)
Journal Article
McGrath, M., Howard, D., & Baker, R. (2015). A forward dynamic modelling investigation of cause-and-effect relationships in single support phase of human walking. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2015, 1-9.

Mathematical gait models often fall into one of two categories: simple and complex. There is a large leap in complexity between model types, meaning the effects of individual gait mechanisms get overlooked. This study investigated the cause-and-effec... Read More about A forward dynamic modelling investigation of cause-and-effect relationships in single support phase of human walking.