Assessment of 3D dynamic interactions between backpack and bearer using accelerometers and gyroscopes
Presentation / Conference
Ren, L., Jones, R., Liu, A., Nester, C., & Howard, D. Assessment of 3D dynamic interactions between backpack and bearer using accelerometers and gyroscopes. Presented at International Society of Biomechanics Congress, Taipei
Outputs (97)
Foot kinematics during walking measured using bone and surface mounted markers
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Foot kinematics during walking measured using bone and surface mounted markers
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kinematic design of crab-like legged vehicles
Journal Article
Liu, A., & Howard, D. Kinematic design of crab-like legged vehicles. Robotica, 19(01), 67-77. this paper, the kinematic workspace characteristics of a
crab-like legged vehicle are investigated using a 2-D model.
The alternative kinematic configurations and their corresponding workspace constraints are discussed, and the
vehicle configurat... Read More about Kinematic design of crab-like legged vehicles.
Whole body inverse dynamics over a complete gait cycle based only on measured kinematics
Journal Article
Ren, L., Jones, R., & Howard, D. Whole body inverse dynamics over a complete gait cycle based only on measured kinematics. Journal of Biomechanics, 41(12), 2750-2759. paper presents a three-dimensional (3D) whole body multi-segment model for inverse dynamics analysis over a complete gait cycle, based only on measured kinematic data. The sequence of inverse dynamics calculations differs significantly from the... Read More about Whole body inverse dynamics over a complete gait cycle based only on measured kinematics.
Predicting lower limb joint kinematics using wearable motion sensors
Journal Article
Findlow, A., GOULERMAS, J., Nester, C., Howard, D., & Kenney, L. Predicting lower limb joint kinematics using wearable motion sensors. Gait & Posture, 28(1), 120-126. aim of this study was to estimate sagittal plane ankle, knee and hip gait kinematics using 3D angular velocity and linear acceleration data from motion sensors on the foot and shank. We explored the accuracy of intra-subject predictions (i.e., wh... Read More about Predicting lower limb joint kinematics using wearable motion sensors.
Novel method of quantifying mechanical properties of trans-tibial prostheses
Journal Article
Major, M., Twiste, M., Kenney, L., & Howard, D. Novel method of quantifying mechanical properties of trans-tibial prostheses. Journal of Biomechanics, 40(S2), 595