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Outputs (3)

Foetal alcohol spectrum disorder and Investigative interviewing : a systematic review highlighting clinical and legal implications and recommendations (2021)
Journal Article

Individuals with foetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are estimated to be 19 times more likely to encounter the criminal justice system (CJS) in comparison to individuals without FASD. During encounters with the CJS, investigative interviews are... Read More about Foetal alcohol spectrum disorder and Investigative interviewing : a systematic review highlighting clinical and legal implications and recommendations.

Exploring the experiences of social workers in working with children suspected of having fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (2021)
Journal Article

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is one outcome from prenatal alcohol exposure. Social workers are likely to encounter children with the condition, due to the greater likelihood of prenatal alcohol exposure among children in social services set... Read More about Exploring the experiences of social workers in working with children suspected of having fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.