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A systematic review of exercise prescription in patients with intermittent claudication : does pain matter? (2021)
Journal Article

Current guidelines for intermittent claudication advocate exercise at moderate to maximal claudication pain. However, adherence rates to supervised exercise programmes (SEP) remain poor and claudication pain is a contributing factor. Limited evidence... Read More about A systematic review of exercise prescription in patients with intermittent claudication : does pain matter?.

A systematic review of exercise prescription in patients with intermittent claudication: does pain matter? (2021)
Journal Article

Background: Current guidelines for intermittent claudication advocate exercise at moderate to maximal claudication pain. However, adherence rates to supervised exercise programmes (SEP) remain poor and claudication pain is a contributing factor. Limi... Read More about A systematic review of exercise prescription in patients with intermittent claudication: does pain matter?.

A systematic review of exercise prescription in patients with intermittent claudication: does pain matter? (2021)
Journal Article

Background: Current guidelines for intermittent claudication advocate exercise at moderate to maximal claudication pain. However, adherence rates to supervised exercise programmes (SEP) remain poor and claudication pain is a contributing factor. Limi... Read More about A systematic review of exercise prescription in patients with intermittent claudication: does pain matter?.

Provision of exercise services in patients with peripheral artery disease in the United Kingdom (2021)
Journal Article
Harwood, A., Pymer, S., Ibeggazene, S., Ingle, L., Caldow, E., & Birkett, S. (2021). Provision of exercise services in patients with peripheral artery disease in the United Kingdom. Vascular, 30(5), 874-881.

Objectives Supervised exercise programmes (SEPs) are a vital treatment for people with intermittent claudication, leading improvements in walking distance and quality of life and are recommended in multiple national and international guidelines. We a... Read More about Provision of exercise services in patients with peripheral artery disease in the United Kingdom.

A systematic review of exercise testing in patients with intermittent claudication : a focus on test standardisation and reporting quality in randomised controlled trials of exercise interventions (2021)
Journal Article
Birkett, S., Harwood, A., Caldow, E., Ibeggazene, S., Ingle, L., & Pymer, S. (2021). A systematic review of exercise testing in patients with intermittent claudication : a focus on test standardisation and reporting quality in randomised controlled trials of exercise interventions. PLoS ONE, 16(5), e0249277.

A systematic review was conducted to identify the range of terminology used in studies to describe maximum walking distance and the exercise testing protocols, and testing modalities used to measure it in patients with intermittent claudication. A se... Read More about A systematic review of exercise testing in patients with intermittent claudication : a focus on test standardisation and reporting quality in randomised controlled trials of exercise interventions.