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Outputs (2)

Change and the NHS workforce : ambivalence, anxiety and anger (2010)
Journal Article
Ball, E., & Regan, P. (2010). Change and the NHS workforce : ambivalence, anxiety and anger. Nurse Education in Practice, 10(3), 113-114.

Working in a healthcare system defined by change necessitates, at the least, some degree of intermittent observation. Being commited to change to ensure delivery of 21st century care asks for much more. It means trusting and believing in change. Yet... Read More about Change and the NHS workforce : ambivalence, anxiety and anger.

Liberating the NHS; commissioning, outsourcing and a new politics debate (2010)
Journal Article
Regan, P., & Ball, E. (2010). Liberating the NHS; commissioning, outsourcing and a new politics debate. British Journal of Community Nursing, 15(10), 1-3

In the short months following the result of the UK 2010 General election,
a new Government White Paper has been released entitled: Equity and
Excellence: Liberating the NHS (Department of Health (DH), 2010a). It strives
to distance itself from pre... Read More about Liberating the NHS; commissioning, outsourcing and a new politics debate.