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Outputs (2)

The effect of liner design and materials selection on prosthesis interface heat dissipation (2017)
Journal Article
Williams, R., Washington, E., Miodownik, M., & Holloway, C. (2017). The effect of liner design and materials selection on prosthesis interface heat dissipation. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 42(3), 275-279.

Background and aim: Thermal discomfort often affects prosthesis wearers and could be addressed by increasing liner thermal
conductivity. This note explores a liner made from thermally conductive silicone and two additional alternative liner designs... Read More about The effect of liner design and materials selection on prosthesis interface heat dissipation.

An exploratory phenomenological study exploring the experiences of people with systemic disease who have undergone lower limb amputation and its impact on their well-being. (2014)
Journal Article
Washington, E., & Williams, A. (2016). An exploratory phenomenological study exploring the experiences of people with systemic disease who have undergone lower limb amputation and its impact on their well-being. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 40(1), 44-50.

Study Design
A qualitative study utilising an iterative approach in line with the philosophy of interpretive phenomenology.
Amputation is a life-changing event accompanied by challenges for the affected person with time-dependent depres... Read More about An exploratory phenomenological study exploring the experiences of people with systemic disease who have undergone lower limb amputation and its impact on their well-being..