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National profile of foot orthotic provision in the United Kingdom, part 2 : podiatrist, orthotist and physiotherapy practices. (2018)
Journal Article


A national survey recently provided the first description of foot orthotic provision in the United Kingdom. This article aims to profile and compare the foot orthoses practice of podiatrists, orthotists and physiotherapists within the... Read More about National profile of foot orthotic provision in the United Kingdom, part 2 : podiatrist, orthotist and physiotherapy practices..

National profile of foot orthotic provision in the United Kingdom, part 1 : practitioners and scope of practice. (2017)
Journal Article
Nester, C., Graham, A., Martinez-Santos, A., Williams, A., McAdam, J., & Newton, V. (2017). National profile of foot orthotic provision in the United Kingdom, part 1 : practitioners and scope of practice. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 10(35),

Foot orthoses have been advocated in the management of a wide range of clinical foot and lower limb problems and are within the scope of podiatry, orthotic and physiotherapy practice. Previous reports into the provision of orthoses have consistently... Read More about National profile of foot orthotic provision in the United Kingdom, part 1 : practitioners and scope of practice..

‘Trial and error…’, ‘…happy patients’ and ‘…an old toy in the cupboard’: a qualitative investigation of factors that influence practitioners in their prescription of foot orthoses (2016)
Journal Article
orthoses. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 9(11), 1-8.

Background: Foot orthoses are used to manage of a plethora of lower limb conditions. However, whilst the theoretical
foundations might be relatively consistent, actual practices and therefore the experience of patients is likely to be less so.
The... Read More about ‘Trial and error…’, ‘…happy patients’ and ‘…an old toy in the cupboard’: a qualitative investigation of factors that influence practitioners in their prescription of foot orthoses.

The effects of Functional Electrical Stimulation on motor-cognitive interference during gait in people with foot drop following stroke
McAdam, J. The effects of Functional Electrical Stimulation on motor-cognitive interference during gait in people with foot drop following stroke. (Thesis). University of Salford

A stroke can impair both motor and cognitive functioning, reducing the automaticity of walking and increasing susceptibility to motor-cognitive interference (MCI). There is also some evidence of an association between susceptibility to MCI and the in... Read More about The effects of Functional Electrical Stimulation on motor-cognitive interference during gait in people with foot drop following stroke.