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Outputs (2)

The value of specialist clinical assessment of older people prior to entry to care homes (2004)
Journal Article
Challis, D., Clarkson, P., Williamson, J., Hughes, J., Venables, D., Burns, A., & Weinberg, A. (2004). The value of specialist clinical assessment of older people prior to entry to care homes. Age and ageing, 33(1), 25.

Objective: to ascertain the value of employing a specialist clinician’s contribution to the assessment of older people prior to care home entry.

Design: randomised controlled trial.

Method: 256 older people at risk of care home entry were rando... Read More about The value of specialist clinical assessment of older people prior to entry to care homes.

What do care managers do? A study of working practice in older peoples' services (2003)
Journal Article
Weinberg, A., Williamson, J., Challis, D., & Hughes, J. (2003). What do care managers do? A study of working practice in older peoples' services. British Journal of Social Work, 33(7), 901-919.

This paper explores the principal activities of local authority staff undertaking the role of care manager. It is based on a sample of staff in a social services department specializing in older people's services. Data were obtained by asking staff t... Read More about What do care managers do? A study of working practice in older peoples' services.