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Outputs (31)

PROTOCOL: Domestic abuse interventions for mothers in or exiting prison: an evidence and gap map (2023)
Journal Article
Rogers, M., Lockwood, K., Speake, E., & Campbell, F. (2023). PROTOCOL: Domestic abuse interventions for mothers in or exiting prison: an evidence and gap map. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 19(1),

This is the protocol for a evidence and gap map. The objectives are as follows: to identify existing research and gaps in evidence according to the types of interventions, settings, study design and outcomes; to use the EGM findings to inform subsequ... Read More about PROTOCOL: Domestic abuse interventions for mothers in or exiting prison: an evidence and gap map.

PROTOCOL: Domestic abuse interventions for mothers in or exiting prison: an evidence and gap map (2023)
Journal Article
Rogers, M., Lockwood, K., Speake, E., & Campbell, F. (2023). PROTOCOL: Domestic abuse interventions for mothers in or exiting prison: an evidence and gap map. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 19(1),

This is the protocol for a evidence and gap map. The objectives are as follows: to identify existing research and gaps in evidence according to the types of interventions, settings, study design and outcomes; to use the EGM findings to inform subsequ... Read More about PROTOCOL: Domestic abuse interventions for mothers in or exiting prison: an evidence and gap map.

Improving outcomes for children affected by parental involvement with the criminal justice system in Scotland (2021)
Journal Article

With 20-27,000 children in Scotland experiencing a parent’s imprisonment and many more their parent’s involvement in the wider criminal justice system, it is vital that children’s needs and preferences are understood and acted upon. Parental imprison... Read More about Improving outcomes for children affected by parental involvement with the criminal justice system in Scotland.

Improving outcomes for children affected by parental involvement with the criminal justice system in Scotland (2021)
Journal Article

With 20-27,000 children in Scotland experiencing a parent’s imprisonment and many more their parent’s involvement in the wider criminal justice system, it is vital that children’s needs and preferences are understood and acted upon. Parental imprison... Read More about Improving outcomes for children affected by parental involvement with the criminal justice system in Scotland.

“Lockdown's changed everything” : mothering adult children in prison in the UK during the Covid-19 pandemic (2021)
Journal Article

The Covid-19 pandemic occurred at a time when families of prisoners were gaining visibility in both academia and policy. Research exploring the experiences of families of prison residents has tended to focus on intimate partners and children, despite... Read More about “Lockdown's changed everything” : mothering adult children in prison in the UK during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Narratives of motherhood (2021)
Book Chapter
Smith, K., & Lockwood, K. (2021). Narratives of motherhood. In M. Montero-Sieburth, R. Mas Giralt, N. Garcia-Arjona, & J. Eguren (Eds.), Family Practices in Migration (175-191). Routledge.

Focusing on the subjective and relational nature of stories and storytelling, in this chapter the authors adopt a feminist narrative approach to understand the way in which mothering identities are constructed through storytelling in the context of a... Read More about Narratives of motherhood.

The gendered nature of prison work : empathy, mothering and emotions of female prison officers in a women's prison (2020)
Book Chapter
Wood, A. (2020). The gendered nature of prison work : empathy, mothering and emotions of female prison officers in a women's prison. In K. Lockwood (Ed.), Mothering from the inside : research on motherhood and imprisonment (145-162). Emerald Publishing Limited.

Academic literature portrays prison officers in various ways; as insensitive figures lurking in the background (Cohen & Taylor, 1972) as brutes prone to violence (Kauffman, 1988) or more positively as noble people struggling to get the job done as be... Read More about The gendered nature of prison work : empathy, mothering and emotions of female prison officers in a women's prison.