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Claiming deservingness: the durability of social security claimant discourses during the Covid-19 pandemic (2025)
Journal Article

The Covid-19 pandemic created extraordinary conditions for social protection systems globally, with both material and discursive implications. In the UK, these unprecedented circumstances led to an influx of (first time) social security claims, expec... Read More about Claiming deservingness: the durability of social security claimant discourses during the Covid-19 pandemic.

How Do Those Who Have Served Deserve to Be Treated? Military Veterans in the U.K. Social Security System (2024)
Journal Article
Martin, P., Scullion, L., Young, D., Pardoe, J., Hynes, C., & Jones, K. (2024). How Do Those Who Have Served Deserve to Be Treated? Military Veterans in the U.K. Social Security System. Armed Forces and Society,

Military service has often been a basis for civilian welfare entitlements. If mass wartime service justified collective provision, it is now suggested professional militaries have been co-opted to support reformed welfare models in which entitlement... Read More about How Do Those Who Have Served Deserve to Be Treated? Military Veterans in the U.K. Social Security System.

Urban poverty and the role of UK food aid organisations in enabling segregating and transitioning spaces of food access (2024)
Journal Article
McEachern, M. G., Moraes, C., Scullion, L., & Gibbons, A. (2024). Urban poverty and the role of UK food aid organisations in enabling segregating and transitioning spaces of food access. Urban Studies, 61(11), 2231-2249.

This research examines the role of food aid providers, including their spatial engagement, in seeking to alleviate urban food poverty. Current levels of urban poverty across the UK have resulted in an unprecedented demand for food aid. Yet, urban pov... Read More about Urban poverty and the role of UK food aid organisations in enabling segregating and transitioning spaces of food access.