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Outputs (79)

Evaluating the impact of WaterCell® Technology on pressure redistribution and comfort/discomfort of adults with limited mobility (2016)
Journal Article
Bartley, C., & Stephens, M. (2017). Evaluating the impact of WaterCell® Technology on pressure redistribution and comfort/discomfort of adults with limited mobility. Journal of Tissue Viability, 26(2), 144-149.

Aim of the study

The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of WaterCell® Technology on pressure redistribution and self-reported comfort and discomfort scores of adults with mobility problems who remain seated for extended periods of tim... Read More about Evaluating the impact of WaterCell® Technology on pressure redistribution and comfort/discomfort of adults with limited mobility.

CareFlex HydroTilit, SmartSeat, and SmartSeatPro: evaluation of pressure and comfort (2016)
Bartley, C., & Stephens, M. (2016). CareFlex HydroTilit, SmartSeat, and SmartSeatPro: evaluation of pressure and comfort

The purpose of this study was to explore the use of WaterCell Technology® in the redistribution of pressure of adults with mobility problems who remain seated for extended periods of time and self-reported comfort and discomfort scores using three ch... Read More about CareFlex HydroTilit, SmartSeat, and SmartSeatPro: evaluation of pressure and comfort.

CareFlex HydroTilit, SmartSeat, and SmartSeatPro: evaluation of pressure and comfort (2016)
Bartley, C., & Stephens, M. (2016). CareFlex HydroTilit, SmartSeat, and SmartSeatPro: evaluation of pressure and comfort

The purpose of this study was to explore the use of WaterCell Technology® in the redistribution of pressure of adults with mobility problems who remain seated for extended periods of time and self-reported comfort and discomfort scores using three ch... Read More about CareFlex HydroTilit, SmartSeat, and SmartSeatPro: evaluation of pressure and comfort.

Changing student nurses values, attitudes, and behaviours : a meta ethnography of enrichment activities (2015)
Journal Article
Stephens, M. (2015). Changing student nurses values, attitudes, and behaviours : a meta ethnography of enrichment activities.

Objective: The process of changing student nurses attitudes, values, and behaviours so that they become
congruent with the profession are neither easy nor successful in all cases. This paper will clearly highlight to the
reader the conditions neces... Read More about Changing student nurses values, attitudes, and behaviours : a meta ethnography of enrichment activities.

Tissue viability and skin tearing in mammography (2015)
Book Chapter
Stephens, M. (2015). Tissue viability and skin tearing in mammography. In Digital Mammography (119-122). Springer International Publishing.

It has been acknowledged that some women are more sensitive to the handling and pressure exerted on their breasts during a mammogram than others [1]. This sensitivity can include heightened feelings of pain, skin reddening, tingling and bruising [2];... Read More about Tissue viability and skin tearing in mammography.

Extending inter-professional learning through the use of a multi-disciplinary Wiki (2013)
Journal Article
Stephens, M., Robinson, L., & McGrath, D. (2013). Extending inter-professional learning through the use of a multi-disciplinary Wiki. Nurse Education in Practice, 13(6), 492-498.

This paper reports our experiences of a student learning activity which employed a Wiki for student radiographers and nurses to build on an inter-professional learning event.

The aim of the Wiki was to facilitate inter-professional learning for st... Read More about Extending inter-professional learning through the use of a multi-disciplinary Wiki.

Interprofessional working in practice – educating for the future: The development of the Salford Collaborative Learning in Practice (CLIP) model (2013)

The project sought to introduce an interprofessional training programme for 3rd year pre-registration students across a range of professional groups. The programme was developed collaboratively with three National Health Service (NHS) sites. Practice... Read More about Interprofessional working in practice – educating for the future: The development of the Salford Collaborative Learning in Practice (CLIP) model.

Caring for people with altered skin function (2012)
Book Chapter
Stephens, M. (2012). Caring for people with altered skin function. In P. Lemone, I. Peate, M. Nair, L. Hemming, & K. Wild (Eds.), LeMone and Burke's adult nursing: Acute and ongoing care. Pearson Education

'What’s in Davy Jones’ locker?' (Squeamish, series 1, episode 6) (2012)
Stephens, M., & Jones, D. (2012). 'What’s in Davy Jones’ locker?' (Squeamish, series 1, episode 6). Broadcast on Sky Discovery DMax

Student nurses at the University of Salford are being taught how to treat patients with life-like wounds designed by an award-winning make-up artist Davy Jones.

Davy brought his extensive experience to Salford to help recreate acute and chronic wo... Read More about 'What’s in Davy Jones’ locker?' (Squeamish, series 1, episode 6).