Older people in mental health care
Book Chapter
Outputs (18)
Older people in mental health care (2010)
Book Chapter
The 'saying hello' project report (2007)
The ‘Saying Hello’ study was a three and half year study which was completed in July 2007. This was a joint venture conducted with Age Concern Wigan Borough together with a group of older volunteer co-researchers. The study aims were to:
•investigat... Read More about The 'saying hello' project report.
The 'saying hello' project report (2007)
The ‘Saying Hello’ study was a three and half year study which was completed in July 2007. This was a joint venture conducted with Age Concern Wigan Borough together with a group of older volunteer co-researchers. The study aims were to:
•investigat... Read More about The 'saying hello' project report.
Valuing of altruism and honesty in nursing students: a two-decade replication study (2007)
Journal Article
This paper reports a study investigating changes in the self-reported values of nursing students over the period 1983–2005 in the light of changes in student demography.
Background. Nurses’ values have been studied by both qualitative and survey
me... Read More about Valuing of altruism and honesty in nursing students: a two-decade replication study.
Meaning and purpose in care home (nursing) life
Yates-Bolton, N. Meaning and purpose in care home (nursing) life. (Thesis). University of SalfordMeaning and purpose in life are important aspects of the life experience of individuals. These aspects of life have often been studied using psychological and quantitative approaches addressing meaning and purpose across the life span. However, there... Read More about Meaning and purpose in care home (nursing) life.
A report on the health and social care listening event
The purpose of the Listening Event was to enable a wide range of people, including professionals working in statutory, voluntary and other organisations and members of the public, to ‘have a say’ about health and social care and what we as a Universi... Read More about A report on the health and social care listening event.
A report on the health and social care listening event
The purpose of the Listening Event was to enable a wide range of people, including professionals working in statutory, voluntary and other organisations and members of the public, to ‘have a say’ about health and social care and what we as a Universi... Read More about A report on the health and social care listening event.