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Outputs (75)

Alcohol industry sponsorship and hazardous drinking in UK university students who play sport (2014)
Journal Article
O'Brien, K., Ferris, J., Greenlees, I., Jowett, S., Rhind, D., Cook, P., & Kypri, K. (2014). Alcohol industry sponsorship and hazardous drinking in UK university students who play sport. Addiction, 109(10), 1647-1654.

Aim: To examine whether receipt of alcohol industry sponsorship is associated with problematic drinking in UK university students who play sport.
Methods: University students (n=2450) participating in sports were invited to complete a pen-and-paper... Read More about Alcohol industry sponsorship and hazardous drinking in UK university students who play sport.

Comparison of patients diagnosed with gonorrhoea through community screening with those self-presenting to the genito-urinary medicine clinic (2014)
Journal Article
Cook, P. (2014). Comparison of patients diagnosed with gonorrhoea through community screening with those self-presenting to the genito-urinary medicine clinic. BMJ Open, 4(3), 1-7.

Objectives: To compare the clinical, socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of individuals diagnosed with Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) in the community using a concomitant nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT, AptimaCombo2) as part of the (comm... Read More about Comparison of patients diagnosed with gonorrhoea through community screening with those self-presenting to the genito-urinary medicine clinic.

Parental knowledge of alcohol consumption : a cross sectional survey of 11-17 year old schoolchildren and their parents (2013)
Journal Article
Morleo, M., Cook, P., Elliott, G., & Phillips-Howard, P. (2013). Parental knowledge of alcohol consumption : a cross sectional survey of 11-17 year old schoolchildren and their parents. BMC Public Health, 13(412),

Background: Developing timely and effective strategies for preventing alcohol misuse in young people is required
in order to prevent related harms since, worldwide, alcohol consumption was associated with 320,000 deaths
amongst 15–29 year olds in 2... Read More about Parental knowledge of alcohol consumption : a cross sectional survey of 11-17 year old schoolchildren and their parents.

Evaluation of the ‘Live Active’ exercise referral scheme : long term outcomes
Presentation / Conference
Prior, F., Coffey, M., Robins, A., & Cook, P. Evaluation of the ‘Live Active’ exercise referral scheme : long term outcomes

Introduction: Exercise referral schemes (ERSs) aim to increase the physical activity (PA) levels of people with chronic health conditions. To date, the efficacy of ERSs has been inconclusive, due to the variable nature of schemes and limited data on... Read More about Evaluation of the ‘Live Active’ exercise referral scheme : long term outcomes.

Evaluation of the ‘Live Active’ exercise referral scheme
Prior, F. (in press). Evaluation of the ‘Live Active’ exercise referral scheme. (Thesis). University of Salford

Exercise referral schemes (ERSs) are a common approach to physical activity (PA) promotion in the United Kingdom (UK). They aim to reduce levels of physical inactivity amongst adults with long-term health conditions or risk factors.There are over 600... Read More about Evaluation of the ‘Live Active’ exercise referral scheme.