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Perceptions of Diagnostic Labels in Forensic Psychiatric Practice: A Survey of Differences Between Nurses and Other Disciplines (2010)
Journal Article
Mason, T., Caulfield, M., Hall, R., & Melling, K. (2010). Perceptions of Diagnostic Labels in Forensic Psychiatric Practice: A Survey of Differences Between Nurses and Other Disciplines. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 31(5), 336-344.

This paper reports on a study of nurses’ and non-nurses’ perceptions of labels of mental illness and personality disorder in forensic services in the UK. The objectives of the study were to establish if differences in perceptions existed within, and... Read More about Perceptions of Diagnostic Labels in Forensic Psychiatric Practice: A Survey of Differences Between Nurses and Other Disciplines.

Forensic nurses' perceptions of labels of mental illness and personality disorder: clinical versus management issues (2010)
Journal Article
MASON, T., HALL, R., CAULFIED, M., & MELLING, K. (2010). Forensic nurses' perceptions of labels of mental illness and personality disorder: clinical versus management issues. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 17(2), 131-140.

Accessible summary

We often use labels to describe how a person might be expected to behave.

Our shared understanding of the behaviours that are circumscribed by the labels may lead us to anticipate those behaviours.

Those that are la... Read More about Forensic nurses' perceptions of labels of mental illness and personality disorder: clinical versus management issues.