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LOad Monitoring and Intervention System (LOMIS) to prevent diabetic foot ulceration: Study protocol for a multi-phased safety and performance evaluation of a novel medical device (2024)
Preprint / Working Paper

Background: Plantar foot pressure is a significant risk factor for ulceration in diabetic feet. However, foot pressure-based ulceration risk prediction has remained confined to the contribution of compressive pressure measured under controlled labora... Read More about LOad Monitoring and Intervention System (LOMIS) to prevent diabetic foot ulceration: Study protocol for a multi-phased safety and performance evaluation of a novel medical device.

Foot and ankle characteristics associated with fear of falling and mobility in community‐dwelling older people: a cross‐sectional study (2022)
Journal Article
Pol, F., Khajooei, Z., Hosseini, S. M., Taheri, A., Forghany, S., & Menz, H. B. (2022). Foot and ankle characteristics associated with fear of falling and mobility in community‐dwelling older people: a cross‐sectional study. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 15(1), 86.

AbstractBackgroundFear of falling is multifactorial in etiology and is associated with falls. It has been demonstrated that foot problems increase the risk of falls in older people. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the associ... Read More about Foot and ankle characteristics associated with fear of falling and mobility in community‐dwelling older people: a cross‐sectional study.