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Outputs (36)

“His fight or flight kicked in and here we are”: Investigating the construction of a perpetrator within a dark fandom (2024)
Journal Article

Dark fandoms are online communities of individuals who express fascination for those who have perpetrated violent crimes (cfr. Broll, 2020 . Much of the previous literature on these communities has studied fans of school shootings. The present study... Read More about “His fight or flight kicked in and here we are”: Investigating the construction of a perpetrator within a dark fandom.

Theoretical and methodological approaches to activism during the COVID-19 pandemic — between continuity and change (2022)
Journal Article
Coen, S., Vezzoli, M., & Zogmaister, C. (2022). Theoretical and methodological approaches to activism during the COVID-19 pandemic — between continuity and change. Frontiers in Political Science, 4,

In order to understand the way in which scholars approach the study of activism at a time of crisis, a scoping review was conducted to identify the extant empirical work on activism during the COVID-19 crisis. Our search resulted in 23 published pape... Read More about Theoretical and methodological approaches to activism during the COVID-19 pandemic — between continuity and change.

Psychology, democracy and the media : are citizens learning from the news? A self regulated learning perspective (2022)
Book Chapter

This chapter discusses how news contributes to informed citizenship by reviewing the different approaches adopted in the literature to understanding how individuals learn from the news. After reviewing the main theoretical and empirical perspectives... Read More about Psychology, democracy and the media : are citizens learning from the news? A self regulated learning perspective.

Love, desire, and problematic behaviors : exploring young adults’ smartphone use from a uses and gratifications perspective (2021)
Journal Article
Vezzoli, M., Zogmaister, C., & Coen, S. (2021). Love, desire, and problematic behaviors : exploring young adults’ smartphone use from a uses and gratifications perspective. Psychology of Popular Media Culture,

In light of the pervasive adoption of smartphones, scholars have explored the consequences of
problematic (i.e., excessive and uncontrolled) use of this technology. Studies have often shown that
individuals who spend much time using smartphones exp... Read More about Love, desire, and problematic behaviors : exploring young adults’ smartphone use from a uses and gratifications perspective.

The construction of a hegemonic social representation : climate crisis and the role of COVID-19 in defining survival (2021)
Journal Article

The present paper discusses how Climate Change and the COVID-19 pandemic can be read as two facets of a Hegemonic Social Representation under construction, the representation of Survival, reshaping other hegemonic, socially shared representations in... Read More about The construction of a hegemonic social representation : climate crisis and the role of COVID-19 in defining survival.