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Outputs (3)

Explicating the role of partnerships in changing the health and well-being of local communities in urban regeneration areas: An evaluation of the Warnwarth Conceptual Framework for partnership evaluation: A Case Study Approach. Volume 3. (2009)
Holland, K., Warne, A., & Howarth, M. (2009). Explicating the role of partnerships in changing the health and well-being of local communities in urban regeneration areas: An evaluation of the Warnwarth Conceptual Framework for partnership evaluation: A Case Study Approach. Volume 3

This literature review is one of three
outputs from a project: Explicating
the role of partnerships in changing
the health and well-being of local
communities, one of a number of
projects in a larger Higher Education
Funding Council Strategic... Read More about Explicating the role of partnerships in changing the health and well-being of local communities in urban regeneration areas: An evaluation of the Warnwarth Conceptual Framework for partnership evaluation: A Case Study Approach. Volume 3..

Constructing a bricolage of nursing research, education and practice (2009)
Journal Article
Warne, T., & Mcandrew, S. (2009). Constructing a bricolage of nursing research, education and practice. Nurse Education Today, 29(8), 855-858.

Drawing upon post doctoral reflections of a shared methodology, the authors explore the use of bricolage
as a way of better understanding the inter-related connections between theory, nursing practice and the
felt experiences of service users. The... Read More about Constructing a bricolage of nursing research, education and practice.