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Outputs (15)

Beggars can't be choosers : an ethnography of post-school transitions in a high unemployment area (1993)
Craine, S. Beggars can't be choosers : an ethnography of post-school transitions in a high unemployment area. (Thesis). University of Salford

My thesis seeks to explore and document the processes involved in the career transitions
of a specific sample of unqualified minimum age school leavers drawn from a high
unemployment inner city area. The main body of data was collected ethnographic... Read More about Beggars can't be choosers : an ethnography of post-school transitions in a high unemployment area.

Psychiatric morbidity in older people with moderate and severe learning disability (mental retardation). Part I: development and reliability of the patient interview (the PAS-ADD) (1993)
Journal Article
Moss, S., Patel, P., Prosser, H., & Goldberg, D. (1993). Psychiatric morbidity in older people with moderate and severe learning disability (mental retardation). Part I: development and reliability of the patient interview (the PAS-ADD). British Journal of Psychiatry, 163(4), 471-480.

This paper describes the development of the PAS-ADD, a semistructured clinical interview for use specifically with patients with learning disabilities, based on items drawn from the PSE. The PAS-ADD includes a number of novel features including: para... Read More about Psychiatric morbidity in older people with moderate and severe learning disability (mental retardation). Part I: development and reliability of the patient interview (the PAS-ADD).