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Outputs (25)

Africa connected (1998)
Journal Article

This paper explores an apparent paradox and what this implies in Africa. What are the politics of digital technology when, on the one hand, it is used to mark exclusive status and, on the other hand, is argued to be a democratizing form of mass commu... Read More about Africa connected.

Reliability and validity of the Mini PAS-ADD for assessing psychiatric disorder in adults with intellectual disability (1998)
Journal Article
Prosser, H., Moss, S., Costello, H., Simpson, N., Patel, P., & Rowe, S. (1998). Reliability and validity of the Mini PAS-ADD for assessing psychiatric disorder in adults with intellectual disability.

The Mini PAS-ADD is an assessment schedule for psychiatric disorders in people with an intellectual disability. It is designed to provide a link between the mental health expertise of psychiatrists and psychologists, and the detailed knowledge of ind... Read More about Reliability and validity of the Mini PAS-ADD for assessing psychiatric disorder in adults with intellectual disability.

The effect of a hinged ankle-foot orthosis on hemiplegic gait: Four single case studies (1998)
Journal Article
Tyson, S., Thornton, H., & Downes, A. (1998). The effect of a hinged ankle-foot orthosis on hemiplegic gait: Four single case studies. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 14(2), 75-85.

This study used a single-case design to assess the effect of a hinged ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) on four hemiplegic subjects, and elicited their views of the AFO. The gait parameters measured were: velocity, stride length, step length and symmetry usi... Read More about The effect of a hinged ankle-foot orthosis on hemiplegic gait: Four single case studies.

'Do we all get a PhD?' Attempting emancipatory research relating to disability in an academic environment. Relating to disability in an academic environment (1998)
Presentation / Conference
Garbutt, R., & Seymour, J. (1998, April). 'Do we all get a PhD?' Attempting emancipatory research relating to disability in an academic environment. Relating to disability in an academic environment. Presented at British Sociological Association annual conference 1998, Making Sense of the Body, Edinburgh, UK

Within the model of emancipatory research, the researcher is situated as one member of a team. They are often conceptualised as providing methodological tools and skills to others involved in the research project but the definition of topic, data ana... Read More about 'Do we all get a PhD?' Attempting emancipatory research relating to disability in an academic environment. Relating to disability in an academic environment.

Familiar fears: the social work assessment of lesbian and gay fostering and adoption applicants (1998)
Hicks, S. Familiar fears: the social work assessment of lesbian and gay fostering and adoption applicants. (Thesis). University of Lancaster

This thesis considers how local authority social workers go about assessing
the suitability of lesbians and gay men to foster or adopt children. It also
asks how far a stated lesbian or gay sexuality is problematic within this
process. A construct... Read More about Familiar fears: the social work assessment of lesbian and gay fostering and adoption applicants.

Establishing the building blocks for quality practice teaching in an environment of change (1998)
Journal Article
Horwath, J., & Shardlow, S. (1998). Establishing the building blocks for quality practice teaching in an environment of change. Journal of practice teaching in social work and health, 1(2), 65-76

The changes of the last ten years within social work organisations and social work education have inevitably influenced practice learning. As well as responding as practitioners, practice teachers have had to adapt their teaching to accommodate the c... Read More about Establishing the building blocks for quality practice teaching in an environment of change.