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Outputs (25)

Reliability and validity of the PAS-ADD Checklist for detecting psychiatric disorders in adults with intellectual disability (1998)
Journal Article
Moss, S., Prosser, H., Costello, H., & Simpson, N. (1998). Reliability and validity of the PAS-ADD Checklist for detecting psychiatric disorders in adults with intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 42(2), 173-183.

The PAS-ADD Checklist is a screening instrument specifically designed to help staff recognize mental health problems in the people with intellectual disability for whom they care, and to make informed referral decisions. The instrument consists of a... Read More about Reliability and validity of the PAS-ADD Checklist for detecting psychiatric disorders in adults with intellectual disability.

Searching for information on outcomes: do you need to be comprehensive? (1998)
Journal Article
Brettle, A., Long, A., Grant, M., & Greenhalgh, J. (1998). Searching for information on outcomes: do you need to be comprehensive?. Quality and Safety in Health Care, 7(3), 163-167.

The concepts of evidence-based practice and clinical effectiveness are reliant on up to date, accurate, high quality, and relevant information. Although this information can be obtained from a range of sources, computerised databases such as MEDLINE... Read More about Searching for information on outcomes: do you need to be comprehensive?.

Reviewing and selecting outcome measures for use in routine practice (1998)
Journal Article
Greenhalgh, J., Long, A., Brettle, A., & Grant, M. (1998). Reviewing and selecting outcome measures for use in routine practice. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 4(4), 339-350.

For the successful achievement of evidence-based practice, clinicians, managers and purchasers need evidence on whether a particular intervention works and ways to judge the appropriateness of the outcome criteria and measures used. Guidance is neede... Read More about Reviewing and selecting outcome measures for use in routine practice.

Gender and prison organisation : some comments on masculinities and prison management (1998)
Journal Article
Carrabine, E., & Longhurst, B. (1998). Gender and prison organisation : some comments on masculinities and prison management. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 37(2), 161-176.

The paper explores the significance of some contemporary writing on masculinities to the management of male prisons. It argues that the incorporation of gender into discussions of imprisonment is an important development, but that there has been a te... Read More about Gender and prison organisation : some comments on masculinities and prison management.