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Outputs (86)

Let's stay and hate: the role of community meetings on counsellor training courses (2002)
Journal Article
Hill, A. (2002). Let's stay and hate: the role of community meetings on counsellor training courses. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 2(4), 215-221.

This study explores the role of community meetings within BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy) accredited counsellor training courses. A postal survey was carried out with trainers on 56 BACP accredited training courses in Jan... Read More about Let's stay and hate: the role of community meetings on counsellor training courses.

Using focus groups to explore children's perceptions of smoking: reflections on practice (2002)
Journal Article
Porcellato, L., Dugdill, L., & Springett, J. (2002). Using focus groups to explore children's perceptions of smoking: reflections on practice. Health Education, 102(6), 310-320.

This paper reflects on the appropriateness of using focus groups with young children, based on a real life study carried out in Liverpool, UK which used 12, single-sex focus groups (n=50, mean age=7) to explore children's perceptions of smoking. The... Read More about Using focus groups to explore children's perceptions of smoking: reflections on practice.

Using focus groups to explore children's perceptions of smoking: reflections on practice (2002)
Journal Article
Porcellato, L., Dugdill, L., & Springett, J. (2002). Using focus groups to explore children's perceptions of smoking: reflections on practice. Health Education, 102(6), 310-320.

This paper reflects on the appropriateness of using focus groups with young children, based on a real life study carried out in Liverpool, UK which used 12, single-sex focus groups (n=50, mean age=7) to explore children's perceptions of smoking. The... Read More about Using focus groups to explore children's perceptions of smoking: reflections on practice.

Continence care and policy initiatives (2002)
Journal Article
De Laine, C., Scammell, J., & Heaslip, V. (2002). Continence care and policy initiatives. Nursing Standard, 17(7), 45-51.

Nurses are key professionals in the provision of continence care. The authors examine the implications of recent policy initiatives on the provision of continence care to older people, both in general terms and focusing on the issue of abuse.

Edwards, Benner and Wrubel on caring (2002)
Journal Article
Horrocks, S. (2002). Edwards, Benner and Wrubel on caring. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 40(1), 36-41.

Aims: To explain the difficult Heideggerian concept of the ontological difference and then use it as a context to explain the misperceptions of Benner and Wrubel's reply to Edwards' criticism of the differences between ontological and intentional car... Read More about Edwards, Benner and Wrubel on caring.