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Outputs (179)

The Sangatte work-visa holders: a 'natural experiment' in immigration policy (2006)
Journal Article
Jordan, B., & Brown, P. (2006). The Sangatte work-visa holders: a 'natural experiment' in immigration policy. Parliamentary Affairs, 59(3), 509-521.

In view of the prominence of immigration issues in the 2005 general election, research evidence on policy initiatives is at a premium. This article argues that, despite claims of evidenced-based principles, the Home Office has been selective in its i... Read More about The Sangatte work-visa holders: a 'natural experiment' in immigration policy.

Joint motion control of a powered lower limb orthosis for rehabilitation (2006)
Journal Article
Costa, N., Bezdicek, M., Brown, M., Gray, J., Caldwell, D., & Hutchins, S. (2006). Joint motion control of a powered lower limb orthosis for rehabilitation. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 3(3), 271-281.

Many patients with spinal injures are confined to wheelchairs, leading to a sedentary lifestyle with secondary pathologies and increased dependence on a carer. Increasing evidence has shown that locomotor training reduces the incidence of these secon... Read More about Joint motion control of a powered lower limb orthosis for rehabilitation.

A content analysis of physiotherapy for postural control in people with stroke: An observational study (2006)
Journal Article
with stroke: An observational study. Disability and Rehabilitation, 28(13-14), 865-872.

Purpose. The lack of information about the content of therapy packages is a frequent criticism in stroke rehabilitation
research. This study aimed to describe, in detail, the content of one aspect of physiotherapy; the rehabilitation of postural
co... Read More about A content analysis of physiotherapy for postural control in people with stroke: An observational study.

Distribution of weakness in the upper and lower limbs post-stroke (2006)
Journal Article
Tyson, S., Chillala, J., Hanley, M., Selley, A., & Tallis, R. (2006). Distribution of weakness in the upper and lower limbs post-stroke. Disability and Rehabilitation, 28(11), 715-719.

Objective. To assess the distribution of weakness in the upper and lower limbs post-stroke and the factors associated with weakness.
Method. The design was a prospective cross-sectional survey. A consecutive sample of 75 patients (37 (49%) men,... Read More about Distribution of weakness in the upper and lower limbs post-stroke.

The implementation of occupational health guidelines principles for reducing sickness absence due to musculoskeletal disorders (2006)
Journal Article
McCluskey, S., Burton, A., & Main, C. (2006). The implementation of occupational health guidelines principles for reducing sickness absence due to musculoskeletal disorders. Occupational Medicine, 56(4), 237-242.

Background: Occupational health guidelines recommend a biopsychosocial approach to manage sickness absence due to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), with a primary focus on early intervention through provision of a supportive network.

Aims: To inve... Read More about The implementation of occupational health guidelines principles for reducing sickness absence due to musculoskeletal disorders.