Getting them in and keeping them in. Evaluating support systems for mature female students in the faculty of Health and Social Care at the University of Salford
Presentation / Conference
Haworth, R., & Shaw, S. (2006, July). Getting them in and keeping them in. Evaluating support systems for mature female students in the faculty of Health and Social Care at the University of Salford. Presented at Aiming Higher network (North West) conference, Manchester Metropolitan University
Outputs (179)
The Sangatte work-visa holders: a 'natural experiment' in immigration policy (2006)
Journal Article
Jordan, B., & Brown, P. (2006). The Sangatte work-visa holders: a 'natural experiment' in immigration policy. Parliamentary Affairs, 59(3), 509-521. view of the prominence of immigration issues in the 2005 general election, research evidence on policy initiatives is at a premium. This article argues that, despite claims of evidenced-based principles, the Home Office has been selective in its i... Read More about The Sangatte work-visa holders: a 'natural experiment' in immigration policy.
Joint motion control of a powered lower limb orthosis for rehabilitation (2006)
Journal Article
Costa, N., Bezdicek, M., Brown, M., Gray, J., Caldwell, D., & Hutchins, S. (2006). Joint motion control of a powered lower limb orthosis for rehabilitation. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 3(3), 271-281. patients with spinal injures are confined to wheelchairs, leading to a sedentary lifestyle with secondary pathologies and increased dependence on a carer. Increasing evidence has shown that locomotor training reduces the incidence of these secon... Read More about Joint motion control of a powered lower limb orthosis for rehabilitation.
Practising reflexivity: narrative, reflection and the moral order (2006)
Book Chapter
A content analysis of physiotherapy for postural control in people with stroke: An observational study (2006)
Journal Article
with stroke: An observational study. Disability and Rehabilitation, 28(13-14), 865-872. The lack of information about the content of therapy packages is a frequent criticism in stroke rehabilitation
research. This study aimed to describe, in detail, the content of one aspect of physiotherapy; the rehabilitation of postural
co... Read More about A content analysis of physiotherapy for postural control in people with stroke: An observational study.
Professionalism, prejudice and personal taste: does it matter what we wear? (2006)
Journal Article
An earlier opinion piece considered the professional issues surrounding the occupational therapist’s dress code within the work place (Davys et al, 2006). This second paper considers the role of the occupational therapist when a client choice of clo... Read More about Professionalism, prejudice and personal taste: does it matter what we wear?.
Reluctant reflexivity, implicit insider knowledge, and the development of club studies (2006)
Book Chapter
Moore, K., & Measham, F. (2006). Reluctant reflexivity, implicit insider knowledge, and the development of club studies. In B. Sanders (Ed.), Drugs, clubs and young people: sociological and public health perspectives. Routledge (Taylor & Francis)
Distribution of weakness in the upper and lower limbs post-stroke (2006)
Journal Article
Tyson, S., Chillala, J., Hanley, M., Selley, A., & Tallis, R. (2006). Distribution of weakness in the upper and lower limbs post-stroke. Disability and Rehabilitation, 28(11), 715-719. To assess the distribution of weakness in the upper and lower limbs post-stroke and the factors associated with weakness.
Method. The design was a prospective cross-sectional survey. A consecutive sample of 75 patients (37 (49%) men,... Read More about Distribution of weakness in the upper and lower limbs post-stroke.
The implementation of occupational health guidelines principles for reducing sickness absence due to musculoskeletal disorders (2006)
Journal Article
McCluskey, S., Burton, A., & Main, C. (2006). The implementation of occupational health guidelines principles for reducing sickness absence due to musculoskeletal disorders. Occupational Medicine, 56(4), 237-242. Occupational health guidelines recommend a biopsychosocial approach to manage sickness absence due to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), with a primary focus on early intervention through provision of a supportive network.
Aims: To inve... Read More about The implementation of occupational health guidelines principles for reducing sickness absence due to musculoskeletal disorders.
Secondary user relations in emerging mobile computing environments (2006)
Journal Article
Ferneley, E., & Light, B. (2006). Secondary user relations in emerging mobile computing environments. European Journal of Information Systems, 15(3), 301-306.